Saw this the other night, and I couldn't stop thinking about it for hours afterwards. I've never seen a film like it before, very thought provoking and disturbing, I really didn't know from one minute to the next whether I believed they were guilty or not. I don't think the makers tried to make you believe one way or the other, I think it was left up to the viewer to decide. The family were very, very strange, every one of them. Seemingly respectable, pillars of the community, with very dark goings on under the surface. I think the father, timid though he looked, had a very strong hold over all his family. Personally I think he probably abused all three of his sons, yet they were all unflinching in their loyalty to him. Even his wife, who didn't seem too concerned that her husband kept child pronography, according to the police there were piles of magazines all over the house! Yet he constantly denied everything, even in the face of overwhelming evidence (of pornography, if not the actual abuse). One thing that got me thinking was, if the whole case was some sort of witch hunt against them and they were entirely innocentwhy were both the father and the youngest son accused? If it was all made up (which I don't think it was), surely it would be more credible to accuse just one of them? Another thing was, how could they all be so cheerful on the home videos, laughing, dancing and singing while two members of the family were on trial for sexually abusing children? If it was one of my family, I would be absolutely devastated, as I'm sure most people would be, whether I thought they were guilty or not. The youngest son on the steps of the court house, has to be seen to be believed.