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can you dive?

can you dive?

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two kinds of wonderful
either of the side of the pool or from the big scary high boards, can you dive?

me, non :oops: i'm a good swimmer but could never master the dive. will happily throw myself off the high board to perform a gold medal worthy bomb though :D
I dove off of top level of a boat we were on - it really hurt my back and made me realise that I could have done serious injury.

Since then, I only dive from the side of the pool.
I can dive from an ordinary high board in a swimming pool. Not from a olympic high board :eek:
From the side of the pool and a board that's only slightly raised yes. From a high board, no. Don't think i'd even be able to climb the ladder to it cos i've no head for heights :oops:
Not only from a high board but I also learned some acrobatics such as somersault(high and springboard) and twist off spring board. Not that I was actually any good at it...

Divings great, especially off rocks into pools or the sea :D
I actually started diving lessons after one Olympics as I was inspired. It was at Leichardt pool in Sydney (If I remember the diving pool had to shut evenutually due to concrete cancer). I wasn't very good as I was a bit big (you need ta be little to do the twists and spin round quickly). What I do remember though is doing an inward dive and getting too close to the board and scraping the front of my left shin down the front of the diving board (I was lucky I didn't smash my head or graze my face). It hurt like buggery and the diving teacher shouted at me. I stopped diving shortly after as I began to get scared I would graze my face in an accident :(
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