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Help Can someone help me with photoshop please?


Funnier than he thinks he is.
Trying to teach myself via online tutorials and YouTube, and pretty happy with how far I got in two weeks, even if some of my "work arounds" could be achieved much quicker and easier if i knew what I was doing. The one thing that is doing my brains in tho, is circular text,using the ellipse tool. I got a logo ive been asked to produce by my cricket club, and I've got 95% the way there but when i change the spacing in the text it disappears. I knows probably something to do with my start and end points for text, but im at the point of throwing laptop across the room. Would anyone be so kind as to finish the logo off for me if I send you the file please?
If it disappears, it's because the text is too big for the path. Maybe reduce type size.
I can't finish it for you coz no Photoshop at home..
Those paths and curves can be annoying tho.. imo..
Good luck with project
If it disappears, it's because the text is too big for the path. Maybe reduce type size.
I can't finish it for you coz no Photoshop at home..
Those paths and curves can be annoying tho.. imo..
Good luck with project
The text is correct as I’m matching it to another part of existing logo, there’s plenty of room. I think it’s more likely due to end point in path, but can’t work out how to change it without starting from scratch!
If I posted the wording, font and hex code could someone produce a png file I could add to my bits?
The text is correct as I’m matching it to another part of existing logo, there’s plenty of room. I think it’s more likely due to end point in path, but can’t work out how to change it without starting from scratch!

You can duplicate the path to work on and try to figure out what's happening.. it sounds like it's pushing the text over the end..
You can duplicate the path to work on and try to figure out what's happening.. it sounds like it's pushing the text over the end..
thanks Boru. Managed to sort it in the end, by luck more than anything else, its not perfect, but cricket club are chuffed with the result, so all good. As i'm completely new to photoshop maybe you could help me with another question to save starting a new thread. so i can be more accurate with some work and actually do free drawing i want some sort of drawing pad and stylus, Im guessing the preferred solution from apple would e to lay out £700+ on an iPad and pencil, but to start me off i have seen some cheaper options. Can you point me in direction of something that would work without laying out high sums, and do i need software or would it be plug and play and just replace the touchpad on MacBook?
I saw those but was sceptical that they would do the job for less than £50? do they replace the touchpad and do i need extra software? thanks.
There’s this one for £70

There’s also a cheaper one for £35 but not sure if that works with photoshop or just the bundled software.

They all come with the software to enable them to be used with Mac/PC computers
Just to reiterate, you shouldn't be designing thing like logos in Photoshop (the clue is in the name - it's for editing pictures) Get Illustrator. It's a similar interface to PS and is designed for this kind of work (im a graphic designer). Typing on path is pretty simple and your whole logo will be 'vector' meaning you can scale it up as big as you like with no quality loss.
Just to reiterate, you shouldn't be designing thing like logos in Photoshop (the clue is in the name - it's for editing pictures) Get Illustrator. It's a similar interface to PS and is designed for this kind of work (im a graphic designer). Typing on path is pretty simple and your whole logo will be 'vector' meaning you can scale it up as big as you like with no quality loss.
A lot of people paint in photoshop though. It isn’t just for photos.
Vector is more designing with shapes.
Designing in photoshop would kill me (and as i say im a designer). It's not designed for that. They've intentionally made the interfaces across PS, Illustrator and Indesign very similar so once you know one it's not a million miles away to learn the other two. Typing on a path in PS must be nightmare, can't say I've ever tried it.
Designing in photoshop would kill me (and as i say im a designer). It's not designed for that. They've intentionally made the interfaces across PS, Illustrator and Indesign very similar so once you know one it's not a million miles away to learn the other two. Typing on a path in PS must be nightmare, can't say I've ever tried it.
I guess some people are comfortable with one and fear the other. Vector designing is kind of an art in itself. Editing a photo and placing text on or around it can be done as well in PS.
Just to reiterate, you shouldn't be designing thing like logos in Photoshop (the clue is in the name - it's for editing pictures) Get Illustrator. It's a similar interface to PS and is designed for this kind of work (im a graphic designer). Typing on path is pretty simple and your whole logo will be 'vector' meaning you can scale it up as big as you like with no quality loss.
I appreciate that, wasn't trying to be dismissive of your comments, but 99% of my work is photo related, I just get the odd project that needs work better suited to illustrator so its not worth the expense of running separate software, I use adobe express for some stuff, as its easier than PS.
I went down the PS path.
It's fine for flyers and some logo stuff.
As long as you use a decent DPI (300+) and size you should be fine for most things.

Illustrator is generally better for graphic design stuff though.

It's on my list of stuff to get okay at.
Is this the right place to ask someone to photoshop an image for me?
I'd like a unicorn horn on Red Rum in this picture.
I could learn myself I suppose but I have the computer skills of a backwards 5 year old.

I need an image I can copy and upload as an avatar on another forum though.
I can't upload a link from another forum.
An image source search comes up blank.

It's a protest about a member called Red Rum who was banned for calling Gaza a holocaust.
We are changing our avatars in protest and I wanted a customised one for someone with the username Einhorn (German for unicorn).
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I need an image I can copy and upload as an avatar on another forum though.
I can't upload a link from another forum.
An image source search comes up blank.

It's a protest about a member called Red Rum who was banned for calling Gaza a holocaust.
We are changing our avatars in protest and I wanted a customised one for someone with the username Einhorn (German for unicorn).
Should be able to right click save the image Fez has made, or open in its own tab and save from there.
Should be able to right click save the image Fez has made, or open in its own tab and save from there.
That's useful to know.
When stealing memes from here I have been doing a Google search to find the original.
Possibly worth crowdsourcing on the new jokes thread for potential improvements to the punchline, or indeed a wholly new theme?

Oh, just read the explanation. Makes sense.
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