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Can/should you ask for feedback if you didn't even get an interview?


toilet expert
I applied for a job recently that was exactly what I want to do, and I have the skill set to do it. It's roughly what I'm doing now, in fact, but a lot more money.

I got a rejection letter today so didn't even reach the interview stage. Maybe the fact that it's a lot more money means they are looking for someone much more senior than me, but I don't know that for sure.

Is it worth asking for feedback?

This is all I received:
Rejection letter said:
Hello Fez,

We have reviewed your application for the role of <job>, and unfortunately, after much consideration, we will not be progressing your application further on this occasion.

We will keep your CV on file for any future roles plus please do visit our careers site to keep up to date with our current vacancies.

Once again we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in <employer> and we wish you luck with your career search.

Kind Regards

<HR bod>
This is a standard c&p template, isn't it?

I'm a bit gutted tbh. I didn't think I had the job in the bag, but I thought I'd definitely get an interview at the least. Feels like a proper kick in the teeth to be rejected at this stage.
yes, I absolutely think you can/ should contact them. I would phrase it in terms of "what sort of experience or skills should I be working on in order to be considered for a position such as the one you're offering currently?"
let them know it sounds exactly like the type of job you a) want and b) would be able to bring a lot to, and ask if they would keep you in mind if it comes up again.
Most employers would probably want someone really passionate about the position than someone who sees it as a stepping stone to other positions etc
I don't bother if it's a company I've never worked for tbh. However I did apply for a job internally recently where this happened and got some genuinely helpful feedback in response.
I 've done it, and got some useful feedback. In my case they said it was because I didn't have the people management experience (turned out to be managing a team of almost 20 people).
You're lucky that you got any response at all. It seems quite normal these days for prospective employers to just not respond to applications. Which is just rude IMO.
OK email sent. no phone number listed/shown, so couldn't call. Not that they'd be in today anyway :)

Thanks for your advice everyone.

You're lucky that you got any response at all. It seems quite normal these days for prospective employers to just not respond to applications. Which is just rude IMO.
Yep, when I was unemployed I must have applied for, and not received a response to, about 100 jobs. Maybe more.

This seems like a good company to work for. Their pay is high, they have a realistic list of skills listed on their job adverts, and I just had a good feeling about them. Their application process seems very slick compared to most places I've applied, too.

Aw, well. :(
If you get an answer at all, chances are it'll be a brush-off: "your CV didn't meet the required criteria for this position" or somesuch, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
If you get an answer at all, chances are it'll be a brush-off: "your CV didn't meet the required criteria for this position" or somesuch, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
If that's all they say, then it's a proper waste of time because the application was only upload a CV and click "apply".
You're lucky that you got any response at all. It seems quite normal these days for prospective employers to just not respond to applications. Which is just rude IMO.
Incredibly, I think.

Years ago, I applied for a position in a university and didn't hear anything. It was a rough rule of thumb at the time for uni jobs that if you didn't hear for six weeks, you probably hadn't got it. I accepted another job and forgot about it. I had a phonecall a few weeks later asking me to attend a pre-interview and when I declined the caller got really stroppy and asked when I was going to withdraw my application! her behaviour put me off ever applying to that institution,
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