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Can I join the Army?


Well-Known Member
Joining the Army was something I considered when leaving school but never did. Can I join now?

I'm 34, did my A-Levels but dropped out of Uni after one year cos I found Uni shit and after that I did a variety of jobs from warehouse work, bar jobs and sales jobs. I haven't been employed for a while as I have been on carers allowance and looking after my younger brother who has autism/special needs for the last ten years. Now he is older I no longer need to be there all the time yet I have not had much luck getting any jobs in the civilian sector (bar work/service industry/industry and warehouse stuff).

I'm I told old to join as a full timer in the regular army? I have heard that the cut off age for the regulars is 26 but you can get round that by joining the Army Reserves (former TA) and then doing that full time, is this true?
The Army has careers officers, I would give one of them a call and discuss it with them.

Yeah I know. Just was hoping to get a few details beforehand and also if there are any squaddies/e-squaddies on Urban to get an idea of what is like to be in the Army.
Last info I heard the army was unhappy about the general level of physical fitness of members of the public wanting to sign up. Most serving army people are pretty fit. Something to consider perhaps.
BTW I kinda rushed my first post and forgot to mention a rather important detail I fear could prevent me from signing up.

I have criminal record for possession (but not intent to supply) of cannabis. It was a small amount, had a small baggie (an 1/8) on me and a spliff in my hand when the police caught me. I spent a night in a police cell and was given a caution, the case never went to court.
BTW I kinda rushed my first post and forgot to mention a rather important detail I fear could prevent me from signing up.

I have criminal record for possession (but not intent to supply) of cannabis. It was a small amount, had a small baggie (an 1/8) on me and a spliff in my hand when the police caught me. I spent a night in a police cell and was given a caution, the case never went to court.

The French foreign legion will still have you. Spanish one too, probably. If they still have one.
BTW I kinda rushed my first post and forgot to mention a rather important detail I fear could prevent me from signing up.

I have criminal record for possession (but not intent to supply) of cannabis. It was a small amount, had a small baggie (an 1/8) on me and a spliff in my hand when the police caught me. I spent a night in a police cell and was given a caution, the case never went to court.

a caution is 'spent conviction' immediately.

this (army recruitment website) implies that for some army roles you don't have to declare spent convictions anyway, but says if you do have convictions to be honest and they will think about it.
Last info I heard the army was unhappy about the general level of physical fitness of members of the public wanting to sign up. Most serving army people are pretty fit. Something to consider perhaps.

Yeah I saw that on the Army website. What do they mean by fit though?

My last check-up a few months back at my GP was good. My heart rate, Body Mass Index, weight and blood pressure are all good. I have no illnesses or medical conditions and my eyesight is good, don't need glasses. I have a slim build but not scrawny and my waistline in somewhere between 28-30 inches. At the Gym I can lift up to about 60 kg but would struggle after that.
Yeah I saw that on the Army website. What do they mean by fit though?

My last check-up a few months back at my GP was good. My heart rate, Body Mass Index, weight and blood pressure are all good. I have no illnesses or medical conditions and my eyesight is good, don't need glasses. I have a slim build but not scrawny and my waistline in somewhere between 28-30 inches. At the Gym I can lift up to about 60 kg but would struggle after that.

Run a mile and a half in under 14 minutes is minimum to pass selection though realistically you should be looking at about 11 minutes. What would you like to do in the army? Speak to an army recruiter or your nearest reserve unit they should be happy to help. Recruiting is what I do so if you have any general questions I can help
What is the attraction of being sent off by British politicians to kill or be killed?

Unlikely stats wise. Engineering core looks useful. Or shoot an isis from a couple of miles away, if sniping's your thing.
Run a mile and a half in under 14 minutes is minimum to pass selection though realistically you should be looking at about 11 minutes.

I have no idea if I can do that as I don't really do running (I'm not a jogger and I don't really bother with exercise apart from swimming, haven't been to a gym in the last two years) but I do walk a lot, usually an hour or so worth a day and I can walk for miles and miles before getting tired.

What would you like to do in the army?

Anything combat heavy, infantry most likely. I don't want an army desk job.
morally? I don't think so. I'm not a 'they are all babykillers!' sort and yes there is a worker at both ends of the gun but I thought you to be some stripe of socialist? Not that no socialist ever signed up, plenty have and did and they have their reasons (economic conscription being among many). But for real. You will take an oath to the queen and be required to defend the bourgeois state that serves an aristocracy. Believe me, when my health was better I did consider it, both my parents were soldiers. But in the end, can you stomach it? I just can't, could not. It asks you to take your personal honour and ally it with state interest man, I know this might sound all purist and that but thats how I feel. Don't join the fucking military. Someone somewhere ends up paying the blood price even if you never do more than shuffle papers and dread parade days
Would consider being a sniper though but would prefer infantryman, my first boyfriend did time in the Army and was a sniper, saw action in Northern Ireland.
So you've suggested some of the factors pushing you to consider this, what's the draw pulling you towards a life in the infantry?
Would consider being a sniper though but would prefer infantryman, my first boyfriend did time in the Army and was a sniper, saw action in Northern Ireland.
are you taking the piss? Sniper is a vile role and everyone righteously hates them.

you know when they break you the MoD will just stick you out there on the fucking ESA on civvy street? They literally don't give a fuck.
Can we leave out the politics please, didn't start this thread to get into some ideological debate.

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