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Camera with Decent zoom - recommendations please


Pleomorphic Adenomas R us
Haven't had a camera for a few years after my Sony RX100 v1 died a few year ago - lens refuses to extend

Am going on holiday of a lifetime (safari) with kids before they are too old to want to holiday with us.

Thinking that iPhone won't cut it and I need to get a camera for
a) Decent memories
b) blurry photos of "Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plain" in the far distance

Was thinking of getting the v7 of the RX100 - even though it is a stonking £1,050. It seems to review well

I like the compactness of the rx100 on the basis that the best camera is the one you have with you but:
Should I be considering something else?
Is the zoom going to be sufficient for safari type stuff (200mm)? (The safari packing suggestions say Camera plus lenses / filters etc, batteries, charger, memory cards (these are not readily available in East Africa so take more than you think you need). We recommend a minimum zoom of 400mm for keen photographers.)

Am I better getting some sort of cheaper SLR/lens combo and relying on phone for snapshots?

ETA Apologies in advance if the above is too broad a question to ask in one thread
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