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Bulk resize images in windows 11


Famous author , company CEO
I need to bulk resize images , i have seen various help guides but they all seem to invite you to download apps which i am not sure if they are dodgy or not
is there a way in photos or paint to do this?
Windows Powertoys. Official, and there's loads of useful utilities in there.


irfanview is well oldschool and very powerful, but the powertoys Image Resizer is simple and easy to use.

I use Power Rename all the time too
And Fancy Zones, although I think that's integrated into win11 now.
Windows Powertoys. Official, and there's loads of useful utilities in there.


irfanview is well oldschool and very powerful, but the powertoys Image Resizer is simple and easy to use.

I use Power Rename all the time too
And Fancy Zones, although I think that's integrated into win11 now.
cheers that looks good, i will have a look at it when i get more time, whatever happened to a simple download button eh!
You're just trying to run the installer again. Powertoys is not an app you launch, it's always running.
Should be a Powertoys icon in the system tray, bottom right


Double click it and you get all the powertoys settings. Make sure Image Resizer is turned on, then it's just a matter of selecting images in Explorer, right clicking, and clicking Resize Pictures.
You're just trying to run the installer again. Powertoys is not an app you launch, it's always running.
Should be a Powertoys icon in the system tray, bottom right

View attachment 366545

Double click it and you get all the powertoys settings. Make sure Image Resizer is turned on, then it's just a matter of selecting images in Explorer, right clicking, and clicking Resize Pictures.
ah right got it cheers! so if i delete the installer , the bits i need will still be on the computer?
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