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Brockwell Park Mystery Building

A report [pdf] has appeared overnight, buried away deep down on the Lambeth Council website.

We knew that the changing room block was going to be demolished at a high cost, but with the pay off that it would then become some sort of outdoor gym space.

The report now recommends demolition at a cost of £255,000. And that's it. NOTHING ELSE. It will be left as rubble.

The report also states that the park is unsuitable for sport.

Grant money of £300,000 was secured to pay for refurbishment. They couldn't find a partner to manage the block (and make money) and so it has been returned.

And so over a quarter of a million to bulldoze a building. The net cost of the fireworks was under £10k.

Brixton Buzz piece.

Park unsuitable for sport! why? ok the flat ground is a bit waterlogged at times - but there's tennis courts, circuits training, bmx - or doesn't that count? and what about keeping fit activities rather than 'sport'?

Makes me wonder why they couldn't find a partner to manage the block? what kind of partner did they want? hard to believe no one wants it. I wonder if there are any squatters out there who could make use of it...
Park unsuitable for sport! why? ok the flat ground is a bit waterlogged at times - but there's tennis courts, circuits training, bmx - or doesn't that count? and what about keeping fit activities rather than 'sport'?

Makes me wonder why they couldn't find a partner to manage the block? what kind of partner did they want? hard to believe no one wants it. I wonder if there are any squatters out there who could make use of it...

I think it's just badly written and refers only to the football pitches.

As for facilities management, I guess the suggested commercial / Not For Profit partner would have been someone like Fusion? You can see why local groups objected.
all the people who play football there ALL THE TIME!
Cricket nets
tennis courts
BMX track
tai chi (ok maybe not exactly a sport)
all the gym equipment
various aerobics groups
doing roly polys down the hill!
probably loads I've missed
...We knew that the changing room block was going to be demolished...

How about this... Whippersnappers are given this land to build their very own purpose built child care centre?

This would then free up space in the Lido which is always complaining about not enough indoor rooms.

Maybe the manager's office could be moved over to allow the wet side changing rooms to be extended?

This could be a real opportunity both for Whippersnappers and the Lido if someone had enough imagination to make it happen.
How about this... Whippersnappers are given this land to build their very own purpose built child care centre?

This would then free up space in the Lido which is always complaining about not enough indoor rooms.

Maybe the manager's office could be moved over to allow the wet side changing rooms to be extended?

This could be a real opportunity both for Whippersnappers and the Lido if someone had enough imagination to make it happen.

Whippersnappers had a plan to do just that. They even had a architects model of the vision. Believe they where unable to get the funding/ planning.
Whippersnappers had a plan to do just that...

I've also had a reply from Friends of Brockwell Park saying:

The official position of the Friends of Brock well Park is:

In all the years this has been discussed, Brockwell Park stakeholders have consistently felt that the Changing Room block should not be refurbished at great public expense and then handed over to a single organisation, however worthy, for its exclusive use. The total cost of refurbishment, which does not include refitting and commissioning, would come to nearly one million pounds.

Despite years of searching, no sustainable, self-financing community use has been identified for this building, such as would justify the huge expense of its refurbishment. This is why, after a long process, Brockwell Park Community Partners voted for demolition. In doing so they recognised the value to the community at large for having the space returned to the park for a freely accessible sports platform available to all users. The was a vote to demolish an eyesore and give park space back to local people. A decision FOBP fully endorses.

Peter Bradley - Chair
Noshir Patel - Secretary

In other words, demolishing an ugly building to replace it with an ugly expanse of concrete. How very unimaginative.
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