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Bigfoot Festival June 18th 2021

Looked at this a while back but not sure yet.... maybe a festival in August September
Having read the festival info it seems to discourage you, and probably prohibit you, from bringing your own food and alcohol.

This means you'll be getting trousers pulled down for at the very least £5 per pint of beer, no matter how reasonably priced they have claimed the bar will be.

I can understand festivals need strong bar sales to be viable, but not allowing you to bring anything means your daily spend if you want to enjoy yourself properly will be massive.

Sorry but festivals with this policy are a huge no for me.
Very, very tempting, for Bob Vylan if no-one else. Been wanting to see him for a while. Will consider properly when next sober.
(4,000 people is a bit on the big side, for me, but I expect I'll cope)
(There are some decent breweries listed, even if it is pricey. What I read says "please" rather than "anyone caught with their own booze will be chucked out))
Having read the festival info it seems to discourage you, and probably prohibit you, from bringing your own food and alcohol.

This means you'll be getting trousers pulled down for at the very least £5 per pint of beer, no matter how reasonably priced they have claimed the bar will be.

I can understand festivals need strong bar sales to be viable, but not allowing you to bring anything means your daily spend if you want to enjoy yourself properly will be massive.

Sorry but festivals with this policy are a huge no for me.

I'd agree usually but this one is being run by We Are Beer and their regular events are Craft Beer Festivals in London, Manchester, Edinburgh etc. 20,000 came to the London one in 2020 I seem to remember (we had a stand there). The punters will know what to expect and it is being pushed as primarily a beer and food festival with music so in this case I can understand. The food will be excellent, hopefully there will be more than 1 bacon roll stand in the mornings. :D
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