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Big sentences for lads who ran a premiership streaming service .


One on one? You're crazy.
BBC News - TV fraud gang jailed for illegally streaming Premier League games

I've never been bothered enough to illegally stream premiership games live , but know plenty of people who have done. The lads who ran this have got big sentences, the main man got 11 years. Perhaps more worrying is that the premiership may take action against the subscribers, and they have a list of their details.
BBC News - TV fraud gang jailed for illegally streaming Premier League games

I've never been bothered enough to illegally stream premiership games live , but know plenty of people who have done. The lads who ran this have got big sentences, the main man got 11 years. Perhaps more worrying is that the premiership may take action against the subscribers, and they have a list of their details.

There was another IPTV provider who was jailed last month. As soon as one service goes down another pops up. There's no legal case regarding prosecuting subscribers as the law stands.
There was another IPTV provider who was jailed last month. As soon as one service goes down another pops up. There's no legal case regarding prosecuting subscribers as the law stands.
Considering you usually need a VPN to actually maintain a connection past 15mins into the games and who knows what person has what vpn, how they paid for it or how it may link back to them/an unfortunately open wifi connection... from pirating laws it was the uploaders that had an issue anyway not the downloaders.
Considering you usually need a VPN to actually maintain a connection past 15mins into the games and who knows what person has what vpn, how they paid for it or how it may link back to them/an unfortunately open wifi connection... from pirating laws it was the uploaders that had an issue anyway not the downloaders.
Not with IPTV you don't.
Considering you usually need a VPN to actually maintain a connection past 15mins into the games and who knows what person has what vpn, how they paid for it or how it may link back to them/an unfortunately open wifi connection... from pirating laws it was the uploaders that had an issue anyway not the downloaders.

Unless they all paid in crypto I assume there are some payment records?
I hate that! I am hundreds of miles from the nearest PL team and so all it does is..... make me stream it illegally.
It's not supposed to benefit the Premier League teams, it's supposed to benefit the lower league teams and grassroots that miss out when people just watch the telly at 3pm on a Saturday rather than going to watch something locally.
It's not supposed to benefit the Premier League teams, it's supposed to benefit the lower league teams and grassroots that miss out when people just watch the telly at 3pm on a Saturday rather than going to watch something locally.
Oh yeh I know that but I don't even care about anyone out of the top 6 unless its my team, then top 6 may be pushing it, I went to see my two local teams once each in nearly 40 years, they were shite and one was a match against Leicester when they had Heskey playing. Not top tier at the time but way above local team, still was dull. Also so many matches on a sat 3pm are not shown anywhere, hows that help?
Oh yeh I know that but I don't even care about anyone out of the top 6 unless its my team, then top 6 may be pushing it, I went to see my two local teams once each in nearly 40 years, they were shite and one was a match against Leicester when they had Heskey playing. Not top tier at the time but way above local team, still was dull. Also so many matches on a sat 3pm are not shown anywhere, hows that help?
Tough shit then. I think it's a good thing that there's a time each week when matches aren't shown on telly and people desperate to watch a game can actually go and put some money into their local club instead. The lower leagues are what makes football in this country so great, so anything that supports it is to be applauded IMHO.
Illegal streams for football are watched by millions I would think and its not just the EPL but also the Championship. You don't even have to have IPTV there are plenty of free apps on Googleplay that will show the EPL, FA Cup and League Cup and some will show the Championship and any lower teams on Sky. There are free versions of IPTV and paid versions, the latter most people pay from their bank accounts or via Paypal not bitcoin or prepaid cards. The whole illegal moves, TV series, and sports market is massive not just in the UK but world wide. You can buy and watch cheaper subscriptions than Sky , BT etc directly from foreign channels like Dazn, and Peacock, or from TV companies in Ukraine, Malaysia, South Africa and the Caribbean providing you use a VPN . You can buy Sky Showtime from Romania for less than £2 a month with films and TV series.
Yes a cash loaded card buying the VPN in another country

Well yes, but I'd be suprised if many users do that unless forced.

I've just had to hand out my personal number so I could WhatsApp video someone to show them how to connect their laptop to WiFi as it was getting to painful with a voice call.
This is the TV income for the EPL since 2019

The EPl in its evidence to the Fans Led Review said that it paid £1.23 billion of funding to the EFL and football pyramid between 2019 and 2022. Of this, £647m (50%) went in parachute payments to clubs relegated from the EPL. The EFL before the EPL broke away and secured the Sky deal used to receive 50% of TV revenue, this went to the old 2nd/3rd/4th divisions. The EFL now receives 16% including the money for parachute payments.

The Football Foundation which is the main charity that funds grassroots and lower league football had three main sources of income of which the EPL only contributes 25% .

The case for increased funding for the EFL and Lower league clubs from the EPL is absolutely clear , so clear that even the Tory government is pursuing it . However, the EPL will still cling on to its support for the 3 o'clock kick off blackout ( aside from when it was lifted due to the King's Coronation and immediately after covid) as 'evidence' that it wants to help the smaller clubs. It's actually robust and root and branch reform that is required from a fan's perspective in order to support and fund lower league clubs not the figleaf of no TV games at 3 o'clock.

Similarly from a supporters/viewer's perspective, there is no reason why instead of having to pay to subscribe across three platforms, Sky, BT and Amazon that there couldn't be a single pay by view streaming service that does all EPL games in one place for around £15 a month
This is the TV income for the EPL since 2019

View attachment 377046
The EPl in its evidence to the Fans Led Review said that it paid £1.23 billion of funding to the EFL and football pyramid between 2019 and 2022. Of this, £647m (50%) went in parachute payments to clubs relegated from the EPL. The EFL before the EPL broke away and secured the Sky deal used to receive 50% of TV revenue, this went to the old 2nd/3rd/4th divisions. The EFL now receives 16% including the money for parachute payments.

The Football Foundation which is the main charity that funds grassroots and lower league football had three main sources of income of which the EPL only contributes 25% .

The case for increased funding for the EFL and Lower league clubs from the EPL is absolutely clear , so clear that even the Tory government is pursuing it . However, the EPL will still cling on to its support for the 3 o'clock kick off blackout ( aside from when it was lifted due to the King's Coronation and immediately after covid) as 'evidence' that it wants to help the smaller clubs. It's actually robust and root and branch reform that is required from a fan's perspective in order to support and fund lower league clubs not the figleaf of no TV games at 3 o'clock.

Similarly from a supporters/viewer's perspective, there is no reason why instead of having to pay to subscribe across three platforms, Sky, BT and Amazon that there couldn't be a single pay by view streaming service that does all EPL games in one place for around £15 a month
In Spain I could get football via my Movistar subscription. It was an add on, but it was there. The internationals, and big cup games were FTA. There was also second and lower divisions on free to air. For F1 and some other sports I subscribed to DAZN for €9 a month. (With F1 I got uhd, seven camera angles, and in garage cameras) There's no reason this shouldn't happen in the UK, except greed gets in the way.
Tough shit then. I think it's a good thing that there's a time each week when matches aren't shown on telly and people desperate to watch a game can actually go and put some money into their local club instead. The lower leagues are what makes football in this country so great, so anything that supports it is to be applauded IMHO.
Looking logically at it I do have to agree with you, they need funding, this helps it overall, so its better for those teams. Makes no odds really if I just have to find a streaming site instead of being able to pay for it.
Won't somebody please think of the people who only want to watch the top six on the telly?
Fair point
why instead of having to pay to subscribe across three platforms, Sky, BT and Amazon that there couldn't be a single pay by view streaming service that does all EPL games in one place for around £15 a month
My renewal with Sky Sports came up and I have decided I cannot be bothered to renew it, amazon is no issue as we have that for the delivery anyway and kinda just, there as a bonus. BT got all the European stuff so I had to stream that, infact so many matches were either not shown on Sky or Amazon that I watched streams more than I used the paid service, it was more a surprise if I could despite having two of the three. Even then a lot of matches were "not televised" even outside of the 3pm blackout as there were bigger matches on. Then no one else showed it here either, considering this was Man Utd you would figure someone would want to watch every match they are in and it is literally impossible without streaming, I got maybe 40% legally, after paying two subscriptions.

Amazon did it best, you just logged in and picked who you wanted to watch and all of them were available that day in one place and no PL teams left out, pretty much exactly like the streaming sites but better. I imagine its rather frustrating for smaller teams that you often can't find any coverage anywhere legally. I seem to have found it hard enough with a large team and 2 subscriptions. If someone bought the rights to show PL games and then chooses not to show it, another provider should be able to pick it up so it's still on.

Thinking it may be cheaper to just pay for the matches I want to see on sky depending on the schedule or just stream them anyway but since we finished 3rd now we may get more air time, BT also has the European stuff so maybe worth the £20 a month there on rolling until we get knocked out again. Still faffing about to be able to pay someone versus just streaming it tho. I can't imagine anyone trying to watch say Luton next year is going to have a lot of those televised in the UK.
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