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Best hand cream recommendations please?

I like Garnier hand repair. It comes in different weights, and is quite cheap.
I once bought some Creme de la Mer hand cream from an angry seller on ebay, who did me over on the postage, and it is truly wonderful. £60 a tube (from shops) though.:eek:

Comfrey ointment. The one I'm using at the mo is Potters but Doubleday also do it. Comfrey heals cuts and grazes quickly and efficiently, the lanolin it's carried in keeps dry and calloused skin supple and feeling good. Really good as both a barrier and aftercare for working with bricks, muck, plaster and the like.
I can't bear marigolds!

In which case, make sure the detergent you're using is as gentle as possible.

My favourite hand rescue cream is Rescue Remedy cream.

I like the Body Shoph hemp cream sometimes, but I find it too claggy and heavy most of the time.
Trawlermen here used to swear by a mixture of lard and lanolin for anything hand related in winter.

It also had the advantage of being free and plentiful on boats - Lard from the galley and lanolin from the stores locker for helping keep the woolens water-repellant.
It's cheap, cheerful and terribly old fashioned but I have a pot of Atrixo by every sink in the house. Cheap enough that you can use it every time you wash and I actually like the soft camomile fragrance. Seems to do the job for me too. Have a tube of Tisserand Signature in my handbag but that's mostly for the glorious smell.
Back in my factory days of doing stuff to plastic I would often get dry hands. Best stuff I found was the expensive but very lovely L'Occitane stuff, or the really natural Liz Earle. Presumably can get hold of it easily enough if you've mind to try it.
I saw this advertised on tv recently so I got some and it sorted out the painful nicks in my thumbs in just a couple of days - and they haven't come back. Fucking brilliant stuff, and you don't have to use much either - a tub only costs about £5 and it'll last ages.

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