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BBC Micro is 40

That Great Britain Limited looks awesome

Tried writing a politics game in Amos Basic on the Amiga but only got as far as drawing the icons for which party leader you wanted to be in Deluxe Paint
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I remember some kind of game we used to play on the BBC machine we had at primary school (one PC in the whole place) - not sure whether it was a BBC pet if that was a thing? The game was something like an adventure where you had to make decisions on what you wanted to do at each stage - I can't remember much more than that, but think it involved some text input or possibly selecting Y/N sort of thing. Does anyone remember this?

This would have been around 82/83 or so.

Philospher's Quest? I never made it past 'where is the key?'
link: Philosopher's Quest (AKA Brand X)
Was the BBC tapes or was it 5 and a quarter inch disks? My first home computer was the Commodore 64 and that was tapes which took ages to load.

I think it was cassettes originally. I had space invaders on a C90. Tape got stretched and it stopped loading :-(
That Great Britain Limited looks awesome

Tried writing a politics game in Amos Basic on the Amiga but only got as far as drawing the icons for which party leader you wanted to be in Deluxe Paint

It was- and we were allowed to play it in school.
Yeah i think the Atom was Acorn's first computer. They also made another cheaper computer called the Acorn Electron a few years later. The BBC Micro was origanally going to be called the Acorn Proton before the BBC deal.

They then went on to create the Archimedes which had one of the first RISC processors. This eventually went on to be come ARM who's chips are in everything these days.
I had a bbc micro b , changed my life , hence why I still work in IT , was a lovely device , it welcomed ‘Elite’ ffs , and FRAK was a thing of beauty and we used to fill up c90 tapes full of games for our mates
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