Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Be good to get a few urbanites together for a game sometime.
I might be about a bit over the weekend....
I had a great game of squad deathmatch last night... that defibrilator got a lot of action!
Yep I should be about too.
Ok then... maybe tonight?
Although it is the BGT final so the telly might be being used....
Anybody still playing this? Fancy a game over the weekend sometime?
this will cure my black ops blues
yeah going to go back to this on the PC, might pick it up second hand for the xbox so I can chill out in bed playing it.
Black Ops is like meph, you keep playing it but you aren't really enjoying it that much, it's just the draw of raising your k/d ratio.
All round the game lacks the polish that made MW2 so addictive though.