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Authentic old cowboy music


Changing the facts
I’m looking for really old cowboy music. What might now fall under the umbrella of folk, I guess, but cowboy focussed. The kind of music that would have been written and sung by the people who travelled across America with the cattle.

I’m interested in listening to the earliest music that we can access.
The kind of stuff Alan Lomax was interested in.
So much has been re-recorded that it’s hard to get at the early stuff.

Also, any good documentaries that anyone can recommend please.

Thank you Urban
For some reason I’ve got a feeling DotCommunist may know something about this.

ska invita C&W is beloved by a lot of Afro-Caribbean people, so maybe you have some obscure corner of your internal jukebox dedicated to cowboy folk songs?
For some reason I’ve got a feeling @DotCommunist may know something about this.
ah, not the age you're looking for, I got into some of the older tunes from of all things the (excellent) fallout:new vegas radio soundtrack and its mod expansions. Mixed in with old blues and barbershop quartets and so on. But no I'm no afficiando. This was the last c&w song I listened to by memory and its not very old at all lol:
The kind of music that would have been written and sung by the people who travelled across America with the cattle.

19th c., then?
e2a, here's an article with links to some recordings
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ah, not the age you're looking for, I got into some of the older tunes from of all things the (excellent) fallout:new vegas radio soundtrack and its mod expansions. Mixed in with old blues and barbershop quartets and so on. But no I'm no afficiando. This was the last c&w song I listened to by memory and its not very old at all lol:

Great song. I like this take on it too

I only really got into country stuff a few years back via some of the Southern Rock then Americana route. Most of the stuff I listen to is more modern so interested in learning about some of the more traditional stuff.
Buffalo Gals is pretty old and was widely known, so quite likely it would have been played in saloons and such on the frontier.
1844 🙂

Written by Cool White, it was originally published as “Lubly Fan” in 1844. Its words were easily changed to reflect the location of each performance (e.g. Buffalo Gals, Charleston Gals, Mobile Gals, etc.). The song was popular through the civil war.
There's some info here on the important role of music in America at the time, and during the civil war. A lot of sentimental stuff was popular. The kind of glamourisation of the hardy, steely, taciturn cowboy is probably embellished down the generations though. I'm not sure that they were so celebrated at the time.

Another Wiki bit said they wouldn't drink on the trail itself, and it was probably forbidden (would seem a bad idea). So it was at the stopovers they probably spent their wages, kind of like merchant seamen are sometimes reputed to be.
I’m looking for really old cowboy music. What might now fall under the umbrella of folk, I guess, but cowboy focussed. The kind of music that would have been written and sung by the people who travelled across America with the cattle.

I’m interested in listening to the earliest music that we can access.
The kind of stuff Alan Lomax was interested in.
So much has been re-recorded that it’s hard to get at the early stuff.

Also, any good documentaries that anyone can recommend please.

Thank you Urban
Might be worth looking on this English language folk music database (including American folk). VWML archives: English Folk Dance and Song Society
A lot of the chord sequences, melodies and structures are passed down too in folk.

Interesting thread idea though.

Pictures from Life's Other Side is attributed to Hank Williams in 1951.

But Woody Guthrie recorded it in 1944 and it's clearly traditional. Googling is limited.
ah, not the age you're looking for, I got into some of the older tunes from of all things the (excellent) fallout:new vegas radio soundtrack and its mod expansions. Mixed in with old blues and barbershop quartets and so on. But no I'm no afficiando. This was the last c&w song I listened to by memory and its not very old at all lol:

Highway Man? Surely that's Geordie rather than cowboy music.

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