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At last! Bristol has a safe space for folk to IV drugs.


Bringing YOU round.....

Many years ago now there was a hostel in the city centre that had drugs policy that meant that people self medicating with illegal drugs were permitted to do so long as the staff were aware. This enabled an open and honest conversation regarding drug use and saved a few lives.

Bristol City Council were very unhappy about it and it only lasted over one winter I think.

I was managing a day centre at the time.....or doing resettlement work with people that had a history of rough sleeping- cant quite remember!

It's a start and I'm sure the users, NHS and police and public will welcome it. Although undoubtedly there will be people that have anxiety about this encouraging and legitimising illicit drug use.
Is this going to be permanent? I couldn't figure it out from the article as the post site is awful, but I thought they'd brought the one from Glasgow down? Big up to the person who set it up he's fought quite hard to keep it going at times I think I'd hoped to head down today but couldn't. Really good to see anyway, it's certainly the way forward and feels like it's been a life time we've been banging on about this sort of thing.
Hang on a minute. They're treating drug problems as a public health problem, rather than a criminal justice problem? Whatever next? That the substances we put into our bodies are a medical or psychological problem? Has society just gained some common sense?!
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