Damn, this game is good.
I wasn't sure, because I played AC3 less than any other game in the series. I found the missions to be dull, the main character irritating and never really got the hang of the ship bits.
But this one, with the open world sailing and piracy, I absolutely love. They've tightened the combat up a bit and made the AI much, much better, so you can't just wade through 1000s of enemies unscathed like in 3 and it looks amazing, giving a great sense of atmosphere. They seem to have returned some of the more stealthy elements from the earlier ones which were missing in 3 (and to a lesser extent in the latter 2s) and it's made the game more variable. Do I sneak in, or do I go in guns blazing? With Connor in 3, it was always the latter. I haven't seen it running on a PS3, but it's fantastic on the PS4 and if this is what ports will look like, I can't wait to see what native games will do.
Best thing I've played in ages. Including GTA.