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Artificial Intelligence Developments (ChatGPT etc)




Not chatGPT but this seems to be turning into the AI general thread so sharing this here:

An AI talk show with celebrities answering questions from the chat. The questions themselves are selected by an AI and read out automatically, so it runs 24/7

I've been listening to this when i can't sleep. i don't really understand what's going on. The voices are cloned. Who writes the questions and answers though? They're not AI generated are they?... or are they?
I am just having a play with it and I think it is phenomenal. I just typed the headlines of a couple of technical web pages I wrote last week, pages that I laboured over for hours and it spat out good text immediately!

Is there any restriction in how we are allowed to use the output? Because I could use it right now to create web pages?

I've been seeing how I can use it for work too. Just basic fact sheet type stuff but then taking the result and turning it into speech with ElevenLabs, as audio is good for some of our clients.
I've been listening to this when i can't sleep. i don't really understand what's going on. The voices are cloned. Who writes the questions and answers though? They're not AI generated are they?... or are they?
we the public type the questions, everything else you see happening is AI!
the video for the host and the "guests", all the audio, what they say, how the questions are chosen etc, all AI

I posted a thing in the last couple of pages back, you speak into it for a minute and it will clone your voice, so whatever text you give it it sounds like you. no doubt this runs on a similiar thing, they've cloned the speech patterns and an AI bot is answering the questions in their style, another AI thing says it in their voice, and another AI bit does the visuals
we the public type the questions, everything else you see happening is AI!
the video for the host and the "guests", all the audio, what they say, how the questions are chosen etc, all AI

I posted a thing in the last couple of pages back, you speak into it for a minute and it will clone your voice, so whatever text you give it it sounds like you. no doubt this runs on a similiar thing, they've cloned the speech patterns and an AI bot is answering the questions in their style, another AI thing says it in their voice, and another AI bit does the visuals

That is pretty incredible. The way it answers. I will have to have another proper look tomorrow. and yeah I was properly laughing at some of the stuff it was generating.
Plant website tried to use it for customer advice.

Plant seller Horti recently added an AI “plant doctor” to their website. Unfortunately, if you keep track of news about AI, you’ll probably already know that it can be unreliable, unpredictable, and prone to dangerous flaws. Horti’s AI, “Groot”, is no different. In just a few hours of testing, Groot offered me unhelpful plant care suggestions, fabricated scientific sources, advised me to eat highly toxic plants, and accused a world-renowned gardener of murder.

Don’t ask an AI for plant advice - Tradescantia Hub
I did a few more technical Q&A with chat GPT today and found a little weakness, the answers are very dependent on clear questions, in some cases with complex and perhaps unclear questions some of the answers were wrong. Nothing that a little rewriting can't fix, or better clearer questions.
And the legal profession.

Only if it can trawl legal databases. Also law is a bit weird in that it's very technically precise, but quite open to interpretation around the edges - I can see an AI having a lot of trouble with that kind of fine-grained er... 'creative' interpretation.

Anyway I came here to say I've been playing with bing... I do quite like it, but it definitely has the 'confidently wrong' problem if you take the very tempting road of not following links. That said my searches at the moment are very niche (chair design/dimensions) and a lot of the available info is in crappy images. That also leads me to think that we might get some new methods of SEO based on giving information that can easily be unpacked/catalogued by this kind of search. Might even think about setting up some easily searchable ergonomics stuff myself, keep ahead of the curve.
I'm still feeling quite ill but had to get to the shops to get some stuff, after feeling pretty rough and having an hour to wait for the bus home I went to the pub and asked chatgpt what would get me drunker.

'In the uk will a double rum and coke get you more drunk than 2 pints of beer.'

The answer to this question depends on various factors such as the alcohol content of the rum, the amount of rum in the double rum and coke, the amount of coke in the drink, and the alcohol content of the beer

Typically, a double rum and coke will have more alcohol than a single serving of a beer, which has an average alcohol content of around 4.2%. However, the actual alcohol content of the double rum and coke will depend on how much rum is in the drink and the alcohol content of the specific brand of rum.
On the other hand, two pints of beer will contain more liquid than a double rum and coke, but the total alcohol content will likely be less. However, if you consume the two pints of beer quickly or on an empty stomach, you may experience a quicker and more pronounced effect from the alcohol than if you were to consume them slowly over a longer period.
It's important to remember that the effects of alcohol can vary greatly depending on the individual's tolerance, body weight, and other factors. So, it's always a good idea to drink responsibly and know your limits.

I went for a single and a pint.
I think it could revolutionise PR, technical writing and marketing - does it only work in English?

How and why do you think free UI have become so good at translating in the last few years»?

If you ask it technological questions with definitive parameters, that's what you get out.

Unlike the Spanglish mush that I handed in as homework about 20 years ago.

So at the moment idiomatic, allegorical, metaphorical language will preserve meaning, but all nous, nuance, purple spork talc is lost...

Superficial I, more like.
A 40% double rum is 2 units of alcohol where as a pint of 4.5% beer is 2.6 units.
So it’s chatting shit.

Bing (the GPT integrated chat version) gave me a better answer, but I had primed it in the same conversation by asking it to work out the units for a 35ml shot of 40%, and for a pint...

To compare the alcohol units in different drinks, you need to know their strength (ABV) and volume (ml). According to several sources123, you can use this equation to calculate the units:

[strength (ABV) × drink volume (ml)]/1000

Assuming a double rum and coke contains 70ml of 40% rum and two pints of beer contain 1136.5225 ml of 4.5% beer, you can compare their units as follows:

Double rum and coke: (40 × 70)/1000 = 2.8 units Two pints of beer: (4.5 × 1136.5225)/1000 = 5.12 units

Therefore, you would get more drunk from two pints of beer than a double rum and coke, based on the alcohol units alone.🍻
I reset and made it a bit more of a drunk question: 'will I get drunker off of a bottle of red or 3 pints of bitter?'

Hello, this is Bing. The answer to your question depends on the alcohol content of the red wine and the bitter beer you are drinking. According to one source1, a 750ml bottle of red wine with 13.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) contains 10 units of alcohol, while a pint of bitter beer with 5% ABV contains about 2.8 units of alcohol2. Therefore, if you drink three pints of bitter beer, you will consume about 8.4 units of alcohol, which is less than a bottle of red wine with 13.5% ABV.

However, different types of red wine and bitter beer may have different alcohol contents, so you should always check the label before drinking. Also, keep in mind that other factors such as your body weight, gender, metabolism, food intake and hydration may affect how alcohol affects you.

Please drink responsibly and follow the NHS guidelines on alcohol consumption2. Cheers! 🍷🍻

And then asked a follow up about 4 pints of mild...

According to one source1, mild beer is a type of ale that has an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 3% to 3.6%, although some may be stronger. Assuming you drink four pints of mild beer with 3.5% ABV, you will consume about 8 units of alcohol, which is still less than a bottle of red wine with 13.5% ABV.

However, as I mentioned before, different types of drinks may have different alcohol contents, so you should always check the label before drinking. Also, other factors such as your body weight, gender, metabolism, food intake and hydration may affect how alcohol affects you.

Please drink responsibly and follow the NHS guidelines on alcohol consumption. Cheers! 🍻

I suppose with access to the internet the calculations are relatively trivial, but honestly it's pretty impressive that it answers in such a clear way, and like that it shows its working out. It has three options for conversational style; creative, balanced and precise - that was balanced. Weirdly creative mode was less helpful:

That depends on how much alcohol is in each drink and how fast you drink them. The alcohol content of red wine usually ranges from 12% to 15%12, while the alcohol content of bitter beer typically varies from 3% to 5.5%3. However, some beers can have much higher alcohol percentages, up to 14.5% or more4.

To compare the two drinks, you need to consider the volume as well as the percentage. A standard bottle of red wine is 750 mL, which means it contains about 90-112.5 mL of pure alcohol. A pint of bitter beer is 568 mL, which means it contains about 17-31 mL of pure alcohol. Therefore, three pints of bitter beer would contain about 51-93 mL of pure alcohol.

So, if you drink a bottle of red wine or three pints of bitter beer in the same amount of time, you would get drunker off the wine, unless the beer has a very high alcohol percentage. However, drinking too much of either drink can be harmful to your health and safety, so please drink responsibly.
Oh god...

Question: 'Can you give me that in freedom units?'

If by freedom units you mean the United States customary units of measurement12, then I can try to convert them for you. A standard bottle of red wine is 25.36 fl oz, which means it contains about 3.05-3.81 fl oz of pure alcohol. A pint of bitter beer is 19.22 fl oz, which means it contains about 0.58-1.05 fl oz of pure alcohol. Therefore, three pints of bitter beer would contain about 1.73-3.15 fl oz of pure alcohol.

So, if you drink a bottle of red wine or three pints of bitter beer in the same amount of time, you would get drunker off the wine, unless the beer has a very high alcohol percentage. However, drinking too much of either drink can be harmful to your health and safety, so please drink responsibly.
Potential to be a total google killer... Problem being it will take while for normal people to get their heads round it, and google has such huge market share. Bing is basically insignificant, as is Edge (I'd assumed there'd be a substantial number of people who just used default browser, but apparently not). iirc google are working on their own AI implementation, so unless M$ can take advantage of novelty and e.g tech youtubers nerding out over it, they'll get dropped.

Maybe the implementation of search needs a separate thread.
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I carried on for a bit, asking whether a bottle of wine was like 5 pints; it gave a fine answer, but in freedom units, so I asked for ml and it got confused. Apparently this is quite common in conversations (think this was a string of 5ish questions, closed it now) that go on too long as it's still early days.
I carried on for a bit, asking whether a bottle of wine was like 5 pints; it gave a fine answer, but in freedom units, so I asked for ml and it got confused. Apparently this is quite common in conversations (think this was a string of 5ish questions, closed it now) that go on too long as it's still early days.
Ok, I should add, that a pint is considered 2 units like a double measure is considered 2 units. But in reality a pint is 2.5 units if you’re necking Stella or similar. So it isn’t a just science to just say a pint.
Ok, I should add, that a pint is considered 2 units like a double measure is considered 2 units. But in reality a pint is 2.5 units if you’re necking Stella or similar. So it isn’t a just science to just say a pint.

Yeah I know, I was more wondering how it would explain that (it did pretty well; basically just broke down the figures, but was doing it in ounces, and then got confused when I asked for a conversion - it has trouble with longer conversation strings).
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