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Armed Police Siege in Brixton. Why were heading for disaster.

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Armed Police in Brixton: Why we're heading for disaster.

My latest article can be read here.Lee Jasper Official Blog: Armed Police Siege in Lambeth: Why We're Heading For Disaster.

Of course we need improved accountability, locally and nationally, but given the alacrity with which many local authorities and police services abandoned "community consultation" as being too expensive and too time-consuming - for them - then we don't even have as significant a framework with which to hold the police to account, as we had 30 years ago in Lambeth (and elsewhere). That the Met didn't use established protocols is entirely unsurprising in the light of Mark Duggan's extra-judicial execution. When you effectively tell coppers that as long as they felt threatened, they have a licence to kill the person(s) that made them feel threatened, then such rational ideas as protocols go out of the window. It's easier - for the OB - to pull the trigger, than to talk down someone who might vaguely be a threat to you. We've been going the way of US-style policing for years. Duggan's murder has given carte blanche to any armed policeman to use their sidearm if they perceive a threat. It's a recipe for disaster.
Seems to me that the Dumbarton Road incident (if that is what this is about) was partly informed by the prison disturbances situation.

Whenever something happens the police react. If there are riots in Pontypridd the Brixton police vans suddenly used metal grills on the windows. Similarly if there are riots in Winson Green prison in Birmingham then obviously there will be armed police at a stand-off near Brixton prison.

I understand that in the past Neurolinguisitc Programming (NLP) training was popular in the police force. Maybe that's why they are now so illogical?
I found that blog difficult to follow. It brought up the recent incident but I didn't really get what happened or how it related to the other situations being brought up. Not being difficult here, genuinely asking.
If you think you can work in conjunction with the state you're living in Cloud cuckoo land, the objectives of the workingclass and that of the state are diametrically opposed.

Until people are willing to use the same level of violence against the state as the state uses against the workingclass things will never change. Sitting down drinking tea with people who use "consultation" solely as a means to an end is pointless when their "end" is to keep you in your place.

What makes you think you're part of the solution and not just another part of the problem?
I found that blog difficult to follow. It brought up the recent incident but I didn't really get what happened or how it related to the other situations being brought up. Not being difficult here, genuinely asking.

That's because it IS difficult to follow. The structure isn't linear, it's all over the place. I suspect Mr J will accuse me of being "posh" for criticising the lack of structure, but you don't need a posh education to know how to structure an essay. It's something we're all taught in secondary school.
That's because it IS difficult to follow. The structure isn't linear, it's all over the place. I suspect Mr J will accuse me of being "posh" for criticising the lack of structure, but you don't need a posh education to know how to structure an essay. It's something we're all taught in secondary school.

I black and working class me no speaky good english.
I found that blog difficult to follow. It brought up the recent incident but I didn't really get what happened or how it related to the other situations being brought up. Not being difficult here, genuinely asking.

Sorry it does assume some insider knowledge off the critical issues around police/black community consultation.
"That non-fatal shooting caused furore in the local community as the Lambeth Police Superintendent Richard Wood had failed to ensure to activate long-standing critical incident, community reassurance protocols, developed in partnership with communities over many years ...

Based upon the evidence of this messageboard, the "furore" appears to have occurred largely on the author's PC, rather than among the overwhelming majority of those who use this messageboard.
Based upon the evidence of this messageboard, the "furore" appears to have occurred largely on the author's PC, rather than among the overwhelming majority of those who use this messageboard.



Source: www.brixtonbuzz.com

Anyone spot any signs of a furore at the nearby Railway Tavern?
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