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    Lazy Llama

arctic death camps: fun for all the family

Red Jezza said:
that's pretty sick of whoever's running those trips

And how would it be different than people visiting triblinka or the holocust muesuem?

We need to remmber all the innocent people the commies murdered,and document it, as well as hitlers crimes, so they don't happen again.

Otherwise commies will be talking shit like the neo-nazi's, claiming it didn't happen, and so on.
pbman said:
And how would it be different than people visiting triblinka or the holocust muesuem?

We need to remmber all the innocent people the commies murdered,and document it, as well as hitlers crimes, so they don't happen again.

Otherwise commies will be talking shit like the neo-nazi's, claiming it didn't happen, and so on.

Visiting something while you are in the area, no problems with that. But selling a 'holiday destination' based on that seems a bit ghoulish to me.
to be honest i'd go, if i was in the area, but i don;t think that;s likely to happen. anyone goes, take some pics for me.
MikeMcc said:
Visiting something while you are in the area, no problems with that. But selling a 'holiday destination' based on that seems a bit ghoulish to me.

It's not like they're going to be sunning themselves on the beach drinking vodka cocktails, it's pretty fucking cold you know. I think you'd have to want to go there.
maomao said:
It's not like they're going to be sunning themselves on the beach drinking vodka cocktails, it's pretty fucking cold you know. I think you'd have to want to go there.

Doesn't stop people going to Finland either, and I think I'd rather go there.
pbman said:
And how would it be different than people visiting triblinka or the holocust muesuem?

We need to remmber all the innocent people the commies murdered,and document it, as well as hitlers crimes, so they don't happen again.

Otherwise commies will be talking shit like the neo-nazi's, claiming it didn't happen, and so on.
if you really can't see what is utterly repellent about someone running package tours transporting people 1000s of miles to go there - you are one sick puppy.
unfortunatly if you wanted to go see the sites theres no other way really.
if the nazis had had such desloate real estate the concentration camps probably would'nt be as infamous :(
don't really need to bother with much infrastructue for mass salughter if you have a siberian winter :(
I think it would make a pretty decent holiday, I think Jezza is being a bit OTT as a lot of people who are into history love holidays like this :)
pbman said:
And how would it be different than people visiting triblinka or the holocust muesuem?

We need to remmber all the innocent people the commies murdered,and document it, as well as hitlers crimes, so they don't happen again.

Otherwise commies will be talking shit like the neo-nazi's, claiming it didn't happen, and so on.

X! You have the thought processes of a dry salted cracker.
MikeMcc said:
Visiting something while you are in the area, no problems with that. But selling a 'holiday destination' based on that seems a bit ghoulish to me.

Well more people died in stalins camps than hitlers, so their must be lots of people in the world who lost close family members.

Perhaps they want to see, what happend to them, and use it as an oportunity to remmber.
Red Jezza said:
if you really can't see what is utterly repellent about someone running package tours transporting people 1000s of miles to go there - you are one sick puppy.

Of coure its repelent to a commie, they want to forget all that happend their.

Anyways, their is no actual facts in the artical that suggest that people should visit for the wrong reasons.

Stalin's gulag prison camps are to form the gory centrepiece of a drive to turn Siberia into a holiday destination.

A Siberian travel company is refurbishing one of its vessels to carry tourists up the River Yenisei to remote former prisons.

Vladimir Demidov, president of Dula Tours, said the price would be from 21,000 roubles ($1045) for a 12-day tour to the death camps.

"Practically nothing has been done [to these sites] but it's so cold they are perfectly preserved," he said, according to a Sydney Morning Herald report.

Visits - possible only in June and July because of extreme weather - are to be co-ordinated from Krasynoyarsk, in eastern Siberia.

They will use the passenger ship Anton Chekhov, which has 42 twin berths and two luxury cabins, a far cry from the dreadful treatment of the gulag prisoners.

The state of the inmates was recorded in graphic detail by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in books such as The Gulag Archipelago and A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

In 1938, when the Russian secret police were recruited to purge the country of anti-Soviet elements, the prison population reached 2 million.

30 June 2004

Clearly stalins crimes were worse than hitlers, we should investigate and document, all that went on their, the same as people do for triblinka and such.

No one knows the names or histories of any of these camps, like they do hitlers death camps.

We should know what unspeakable things these commies did to people, so these things are never done again.
Poi E said:
Still camps there being used to hold Putin's enemies...

But no one has a problem with commie camps its only gitmo thats a problem.

Clearly terroists need to be coddled and political prisoners need to be ignored in todays brave new world.
pbman said:
And how would it be different than people visiting triblinka or the holocust muesuem?

We need to remmber all the innocent people the yanks murdered,and document it, as well as hitlers crimes, so they don't happen again.

Otherwise yanks will be talking shit like the neo-nazi's, claiming it didn't happen, and so on.

planning visits in Guantanamo Bay, PB?
Sorry. said:
I don't think there's a historian of any vague credibility who would claim that to be the truth.

Of corse not, they all died quietly.

But by all means add, up the number of people who dissapeared and get back to me.
Poi E said:
Russia is not a communist country anymore.

Corrrect the same commies now call themselves capitalists or whatever.

But its the same people running things.

But its important for the press to run 10,000 articals whining about gitmo and none complaining about russian camps.

Clearly the rights and lives of terroists are way more important, than others.
pbman said:
Of corse not, they all died quietly.

But by all means add, up the number of people who dissapeared and get back to me.

You're the ones making the assertions, so I suggest you should be the one backing them up.

As far as I'm concerned whilst there's an argument that over the totality of Stalin's rule more people died as a result of the regime than did under Hitler (I disagree that this is the case, but it is at least plausible), the statement "more people died in stalins camps than hitlers" has no support pretty much in the entire historiography of the period and is manifestly bullshit.
pbman said:
Corrrect the same commies now call themselves capitalists or whatever.

But its the same people running things.

Only under a capitalist system, and in a capitalist way.
Sorry. said:
Only under a capitalist system, and in a capitalist way.

Looks like the same old shaft the people,live like a king communism, pretending to be capitalism to me.
pbman said:
Looks like the same old shaft the people,live like a king communism, pretending to be capitalism to me.

looks like they were both different versions of the same shit in the first place to me.
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