I would expect some of the icons to change before final release, but I would not be surprised if quite a lot of them remain the same.
I'm not sure I totally understand the consistency point, since the original ones were not exactly all utterly uniform in all important characteristics. Nor are their competitors.
And no, the icons do not set off my alarm bells. Nor am I surprised that some aspects of the design of iOS 7 resemble competitors. It's somewhat inevitable given that Apple do not operate in their own universe, boldly leading the way. They take many design cues from much broader design fashions of the day. They didn't invent the rounded rectangular buttons, drop shadows, gloss etc that featured in prior iOS versions and now look dated.
For me the story is not about Apple copying others in incorporating current trends into iOS, its that they've done it so late. They should have done it at least a year ago but they dropped the ball then and had to play catch-up, which involved needing to ditch someone high up in order to finally get with the times.
From what I have seen so far they have broadly done it right, and just need to tweak a few bits and bobs in order to maximise consistency. Many of the changes do resemble what Android in particular has done in recent years, but their greater control freakery & less fragmentation offers them the opportunity to ultimately get more consistency out of the look once the dust settles. They've also pushed a number of animations and interactions somewhat further than Android has, which will probably pay off just enough to allow them to hold onto the sizzle they need in order to sell premium products, no matter what the critics say right now.
Most of it is not innovative but I really don't expect Apple to seriously innovate more than a couple of times a decade. Like almost everyone else they suffer from a lack of ideas about what else to add to a now well established set of form factors. Don't believe the hype, just because they managed to crack the multitouch smartphone & tablet UI's before their competitors doesn't mean they can somehow repeat such tricks. Especially as much of that success was about their competitors sucking and stagnating as much as it was about Apple innovating - they had a wide open goal at the time and those days are gone. Nothing in iOS 7 seems to change the pattern of Apple failing to do certain services/data stuff as well as Google can, with both Siri and the 'Today' stuff they've added still failing to match up to what Google Now can do if you like that sort of thing.