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Any Free Stuff Going on? - London (preferably East London) - Bank Holiday 2nd May 2022


Sonic: 1 Nov 2006 - 8 Jan 2022
I feel like I've missed a lot of bank holidays lately and wondered if anyone knew of any free events on tomorrow (2nd May '22) afternoon around East London/Hackney, would stretch to South of the river if it was on an easy public transport route (tube/bus).

I wouldn't mind something very traditional like a bit of maypole dancing or morris dancing type thing to watch, or a spring fair/fayre type vibe to wander round, or something artsy to look at or nature based, but would welcome other suggestions too - preferably something that I can just wander along to and leave when I fancy rather than with set start/finish times.

Having the devil of a job finding out what is going on locally tbh.
Brixton Beer and Bread Festival tomorrow includes morris dancing but that may be too far away

I quite fancy that, isn't that morris dancing group the one han is involved with? I was planning to go along to their wassail thing but at that point after Xmas I was worried that my Sonic wasn't doing so well and I didn't want to leave him (he didn't have long left as it happened) so I stayed at home - but tomorrow might be more feasible if I can get it together to head that way, it's a fairly easy journey.
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if that's a bit far, then how about greenwich park? don't think there's anything special on, but it's still greenwich park.

and via the woolwich ferry one way if you're not at risk of getting boat happy? (check the damn thing is running first - the new boats have had their technical troubles)

bus 177 (towards peckham) and 180 (towards lewisham) from woolwich go to the greenwich end, bus 53 (towards lambeth north) to the blackheath end. 386 goes to greenwich as well, but goes just about everywhere else first.
Greenwich park is also good, last time I was over that way there was a large flock of rose-ringed parakeets, I expect they are still there.

I can go there any time mind you. Apart from lack of sleep I feel on fairly good form today so will try for Brixton - no guarantees mind you, but knowing I can turn around and head home at any time I like is good, with no arrangements made where others might be let down and no pressure, and I feel fairly good about giving it a go. Have to start pushing myself a bit on good days or I'll never make it out of Newham again (which is a fairly terrible prospect!) :D

I did see that was on, it looks good but definitely the wrong side of London for a casual couple of hours out :D
Will keep an eye open for it in future years though, it does look like something I'd enjoy, thanks :)
the londonist is usually good for this kind of thing

Actually theres a free section on this link if you scroll

Yeah I did look there first, but every specific event they had listed for today was a tenner or more to get in, and I'm skint. :D

The bread and beer thing sounds like the sort of free seasonal type thing that I was after (and I don't have to buy anything), I don't know why there isn't anything good on in Newham today though, I don't think they've got back into their event stride after the last couple of years yet.
Yeah I did look there first, but every specific event they had listed for today was a tenner or more to get in, and I'm skint. :D

There's a couple of free things there. But hmm..... yeh, I'd just get a couple of cans, a blanket, some tunes and head to brockwell park (im not in london atm so not sure how feasible that actually is)

Our city is blessed with free museums though, my fav is the Tate Britain, an often overlooked gem.
There's a couple of free things there. But hmm..... yeh, I'd just get a couple of cans, a blanket, some tunes and head to brockwell park (im not in london atm so not sure how feasible that actually is)

Our city is blessed with free museums though, my fav is the Tate Britain, an often overlooked gem.

Yeah I know I specifically wanted an event with a touch of the traditional May Day though... I have much more local parks, and museums and galleries are open most days.

My query wasn't about what non-specific thing I can do to waste a couple of hours this afternoon, I wanted a particular type of seasonal event.
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