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Anarchist principles and Vanguards

Shower of wizened old white nationalists pretending they are radicals by sucking each other's cocks day in day out, stuck in front of the internet. Fucking scum.

Says the monkey-molesting twat who's stuck in front of the internet.
Nice touch with the "pretending they are radicals by sucking each other's cocks". You're obviously jealous that no-one human will suck yours. Ba-a-a-ah!
Well that went well !

I suppose from a socialist perspective critical of Leninism 'the emancipation of the working class must be an act of the working class itself'
However as Marcuse and others became aware the 'working class' culturally are, in developed industrial countries/post industrial relatively socially conservative, so much 'radical' thinking activity and organising appears to be people trying to break away from social norms !
You can have a 'class' perspective without being 'horny handed son/daughter/trans person of toil'

Personally; the whole Network concept that has become fashionable recently is very positive, in some way transcending traditional democratic centralist and similar styles of organisation and libertarian federative stylie organisiation !
However I think its Horses For Courses; how you organise trade unions may be different from an anti Fracking camp or campaign !
There is also diversity within different struggles e.g. RMT fighting to keep guards and drivers, young/junior doctors industrial action, Delivveroo and similar campaigns appear all to be effective but very different in their methodology.

Where networking and participatory democracy; self empowering, promoting people to enact their own ideas and practice on struggle are lacking perhaps the logic of Marx's quote for the 1st International may mean that grass roots activists involved in whatever campaign or struggle need to be put in a position of leadership or as a figurehead rather than 'professional revolutionaries' !
The International Workingmen's Association, General Rules (1864)
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