Testicle Hairstyle
I want to boycott American products or anything for that matter that comes from America so long as Trump is in the White House.
Maybe narrowing that down to products owned by companies that kowtow to/do business with Tump or the wider Republicans. Lists of donations/lobbying/affiliations etc are (or were) fairly easy to track down.
New Balance, TK-Maxx, Manchester United and Coors/Miller Beer are probably the most obvious brands with Trump connections in the UK,
Saying that, some corporations operate a scattergun approach to US political donations which may reflect the regional spread of their interests/activities rather than any deeper political commitment. Trump's own published list of donations from a few years back makes for a most interesting read - He spread money (often only trifling sums) right across the political spectrum in a way that made it quite difficult to see what the fuck he stood for. Other than his own glorification of course.
Also, you wouldn't want to be seen as "anti-American" - which is the first thing the Trump stooge industry starts to scream about when even the mildest concern/criticism of the huffing orange cunt is expressed.
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