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Alain Aspect + The Holographic Universe

merlin wood said:
The action of the spherical outwardly radiating vortex of the very early universe explains all the properties of the quantum particle/wave system given that this form of causation is universalised via (at least) one extra large scale dimension of space.

This is the bit I have the biggest problem with. Where's the evidence for this "spherical outwardly radiating vortex" behaviour of the early universe?
The wave property of all electroms that are components of of atoms and molecules prevents electrons from falling into the atomic or molecular nuclei. All elements, compounds and the organic molecules out of which living organisms are composed can remain the way that they are only because of their wave property of behaviour that is perpetuated by the underlying vortical causation.
I don't see what distinguishes your vortical causation from our 12 dimensional furry friend. If you can introduce completely evidence free and unexplained "vortexes" which act in at least "one extra large scale dimension of space" thereby causing things to happen in the observed universe, then you might as well go the whole hog and make it an invisible pink unicorn.

There's little worth in inventing mysterious forces which act in mysterious dimensions to solve problems, regardless of how you can tie it in with quantum wave-particle funniness. You would need to describe it mathematically and show how the system is internally consistent and can predict the behaviour of our observed universe before you'd have anything worth considering, and even then it would be little more than an intellectual curiousity like string theory, but with less dimensions, if you couldn't find a test for it (ie something observable which it predicts but which can't be predicted with quantum theory). That's why string theory came from maths rather than physics - the hard part is working out the internally consistent mathematical system, not the invention of the mysterious forces / dimensions. Anybody can do that and indeed many have been doing it for a long time now (god!)
Crispy said:
This is the bit I have the biggest problem with. Where's the evidence for this "spherical outwardly radiating vortex" behaviour of the early universe?

The evidence id found in the quantum wave behaviour of every quantum object, of course.

Orthodox physics doesn't recognise any cause of this behaviour and Bohmian mechanics can only describe and unexplained quantum potential. I think it's explained quite clearly in my blog..

Although I have had thoughts of late that this feature of the non-local causal hypothesis could and needs to be further developed diagrammatically.
gurrier said:
I don't see what distinguishes your vortical causation from our 12 dimensional furry friend...
You can only really argue the point with reference to my blog, which I don't like to push too hard here, but to save you searching back through this thread here it is again.
merlin wood said:
The evidence id found...

Your Id, we presume...

merlin wood said:
Orthodox physics doesn't recognise any cause of this behaviour and Bohmian mechanics can only describe and unexplained quantum potential. I think it's explained quite clearly in my blog..

But there's the crux. In your bog you have merely asserted

  • That there "must be" a cause - presumably because it fits with the æsthetics of some acid-induced or organic hallucination; and
  • That that cause is "vortexes" which act in at least "one extra large scale dimension of space"

If I propose there is a Cause, and it resides in three extra time dimensions (two of them imaginary) - there is no way we can tell the difference from your assertion. So both are redundant. They tell us nothing.
merlin wood said:
You can only really argue the point with reference to my blog, which I don't like to push too hard here, but to save you searching back through this thread here it is again.
Why on earth would I read all that?

I'm asking you for what evidence you have for the existance of these vortices in your extra dimension (as distinct from their effects in the observable universe). If you can't give me an answer to that I'm certainly not going to bother to read a long work which I currently estimate to have a 99.99999999% chance of being worthless.
merlin wood said:
You can only really argue the point with reference to my blog, which I don't like to push too hard here, but to save you searching back through this thread here it is again.

well I've just skimmed it and have come to the conlusion that it relies far too much on your spiral/vortex theory
laptop said:
Your Id, we presume...

But there's the crux. In your bog you have merely asserted

  • That there "must be" a cause - presumably because it fits with the æsthetics of some acid-induced or organic hallucination; and
  • That that cause is "vortexes" which act in at least "one extra large scale dimension of space"

If I propose there is a Cause, and it resides in three extra time dimensions (two of them imaginary) - there is no way we can tell the difference from your assertion. So both are redundant. They tell us nothing.

(Laptop trolling again, I see. Seems that there are lies, damn lies and such twats as this fart-arsing around on u75 forums.)
merlin wood said:

Merlon clearly doesn't understand the term trolling any better than he understands concepts like testability.

How would one distinguish my "three extra time dimensions" from "vortexes" which act in at least "one extra large scale dimension of space"?
snadge said:
well I've just skimmed it and have come to the conlusion that it relies far too much on your spiral/vortex theory

Actually my blog article as it stands does require some prior knowledge of the experimental results and interpretations of quantum physics. This is why I haverecommended some prior reading at the beginning.

Also, my argument is quite compressed because a most of it is intended to be submitted as an article for a science journal and each section of the hypothesis provides evidential support for the other sections . So that the argument does really need to read quite carefully all the way through.
laptop said:
Merlon clearly doesn't understand the term trolling any better than he understands concepts like testability.

How would one distinguish my "three extra time dimensions" from "vortexes" which act in at least "one extra large scale dimension of space"?

I would strongly recommend anyone reading this thread to totally ignore this git and read my blog itself.
merlin wood said:
read my blog itself.

Well, clearly the only reason you came here was to get people to read your blog.

The testier you get with people who have, the more we can be sure:

  • your "theory" stems from a prior commitment, not any attempt to work out how things are; and
  • the criticism is rattling you because it challenges that prior commitment (whereas if you were interested in how things are you would find it useful).

How would one distinguish my "three extra time dimensions" from "vortexes" which act in at least "one extra large scale dimension of space"?
You're coming out of this far worse than laptop here. Now I've read your blog properly (which was quite a work out let me tell you) I can now see that your theory is utterly barking. I am not surprised no scientist will talk to you. I would not be surprised if they suggested therapy. I also think you should talk to someone.

Let me tell you the three things I found wrong with your blog:

1. Is English your first language? If not, then I can understand, but still, those are some really broken sentance structures there.

2. The whole thing sounds like an acid trip. Including "There being a single collective subject of experience for each species of living organism means that each individual species member continues to experience the world as a species member beyond the death of the individual" - say what now? QM=life after death now somehow?

3. This fucking vortex:

Is there any evidence for this nature of the universe? How exactly does the motion of the early universe effect all the behaviour of its constituent parts? What happened right at the beginning, when there was not yet enough 'vortex' to create the waves? What was mattter then? And why did it behave like matter 'now' by spiraling out like a spacehip? (which is still a severely flawed metaphor)

By the time you get to the bottom of the page, it's all gone completely pixies. Let me quote a few of the most bonkers:

Then we could consider that this causal property has a general effect upon the feelings and behaviour of living organisms. So while the cause would act just so as to conserve the physical form of inanimate matter where it acts upon living organisms it could be called a species form conserving cause and ensure the survival of species.
How useful! Wavelengths and the speed of light, action at a distance, and evolution! Such explanatory power!

What is more, via the mind human beings are each connected to the universe as a whole and by being aware of this they may learn to communicate instantaneously with civilizations on other planets and perhaps even travel in their minds’ eye to such planets.
Far out, man. Far fucking out.

Then also, by finding evidence to indicate that that human beings are born morally good and that the universe is self perpetuating, human beings can consider life in general of more value and the world more worth conserving
Amen, brother. Testify!

Sorry Merlin, before I thought it was worth engaging in sensible debate about science with you. Now I realise that your theory truly is an hallucinogenic-induced crazy tale and that your understanding of science is flaky and selective at best. It would make a fantastic SF novel, but this is not science, not by a long shot.
Crispy said:
...Sorry Merlin, before I thought it was worth engaging in sensible debate about science with you. Now I realise that your theory truly is an hallucinogenic-induced crazy tale and that your understanding of science is flaky and selective at best. It would make a fantastic SF novel, but this is not science, not by a long shot.

All total bollocks I'm sad to say, Crispy. It sounds as though you like many others have been thoroughly indoctrinated by an orthodox physics that doesn't attempt to explain quantum mechanics in terms a cause or causes and its or their effects upon quantum objects in motion. That is, in the way that the effects of all the forces have been explained.

All I'm explaining overall, of course, is how matter and the energy it radiates can ba and remain naturally organised and while the forces act just as they can be measured and described. Something that, if you ask other physicists trained in the orthodox methods, they have no real answer other than matter is. somehow, "self-organising" and you have no proper explanation at all of quantum wave and spin behaviour or of quantum entanglement, which can be described as the simplest levels of natural organisation on the smallest scale.

And, as I say, you have to read the whole of my blog acccount carefully all the way through, including the section on living organisms, to see how the hypothesis could make sense
Laptop doesn't exactly troll, he's just totally intellectually dishonest, talks shit, and doesn't even bother to consider what the other person says.
Nasty. Probably libellous too. That's certainly does not describe my experience of laptop, not in the least.

For example, in this very thread, he's read what you said, considered it, and recommended you read a copy of Albert Einstein's liitle book on relativity. That's not talking shit, nor is it intellectually dishonest, and it is not trolling neither.

Did you read it?
ZWord said:
Laptop, he's just totally intellectually dishonest

Quote please.

If you were honest, you would be able to provide a clear example that all readers would understand was dishonest.
The evidence is all over the thread, and also on the wave-particle duality, magic? thread that I started in the philosophy section.
Jonti said:
Nasty. Probably libellous too. That's certainly does not describe my experience of laptop, not in the least.

For example, in this very thread, he's read what you said, considered it, and recommended you read a copy of Albert Einstein's liitle book on relativity. That's not talking shit, nor is it intellectually dishonest, and it is not trolling neither.

Did you read it?

Well, sorry, but, you don't have the experience of him that I have.
ZWord said:
Well, sorry, but, you don't have the experience of him that I have.

He's gotten pretty fed up with you, I can tell. All the same, I don't think he's going to give up on you anytime soon. Might as well give the book a whirl.
ZWord said:
The evidence is all over the thread, and also on the wave-particle duality, magic? thread.

You've had more than a day to find an example of "dishonesty".

You have not done so.

So you are now going to withdraw your defamatory comments, yes?
ZWord said:
The evidence is all over the thread, and also on the wave-particle duality, magic? thread that I started in the philosophy section.
I've just read through that thread, but I cannot find any evidence of intellectual dishonesty by laptop.

To me, he seems concerned more with helping people think clearly than in pushing a point of view.
So everyone can reasonably conclude that Zword is someone who just makes random shit up - and doesn't see that it matters.
yeah right, both me and merlin wood are just imagining that you pay no attention to what the person you disagree with says, misrepresent what they say, ask bogus questions, fail to understand totally obvious points, and are generally a total windup artist. Laptop, you are full of shit. Good bye.
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