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Age Friendly Lambeth


Solidarity against neoliberalism!
Lambeth are promoting this World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Cities framework.

Someone has just forwarded this survey:
The Age Friendly Survey is now live: Have your say on Age Friendly Lambeth. It will be open until 10th September.


How to respond​

Please share your views with us by completing the online survey:
Age Friendly Survey
You can also email us at:
agefriendlyLambeth@kaizen.org.uk to have a phone discussion.
If you are interested in being part of further discussions about how Lambeth could become a better place to grow older, or would like to receive feedback from this consultation please leave your contact details here
I heard about how cities like Singapore are designing buildings and neighbourhoods to make them easier for the forgetful or those with dementia to navigate.
We're too young at heart.

It sounds interesting but at the moment I'm blanking somewhat. I guess a lot of general accessibility features help. Step free access. Large print high contrast text foe key information. Etc.
I heard about how cities like Singapore are designing buildings and neighbourhoods to make them easier for the forgetful or those with dementia to navigate.
Making it for easier for all those in Singapore, regardless of their mental capacity, sentenced to death to find their way to the gallows. Don't be fooled by their propaganda telling people how wonderful their rich tyrannical statelet is.
I did the survey.

I did bring up issue that whilst Lambeth promote things like this they don't always address them.

Brixton Rec has not been disability compliant for years.
I responded to the survey, and pointed out that the pensioners, or the modern elderly, are quite likely to be different to their image in popular culture.
I think I might even have mentioned the Sex Pistols.

mum-tat (who's not in lambeth) won't have anything to do with things for pensioners, as she is of the opinion it will be 'all bingo and vera lynn' - she does remember the war but not particularly happily (she heard a V1 'doodlebug' stop overhead when she must have been about 5 or 6 - it came down a few streets away)

i'd agree that the popular image (which may not have any basis in reality any more) might well put people off...
I agree. I tend to avoid things that say for older people.

Other things about my age I like. I get free travel now,

But thinking on it a lot of the questions the survey asked apply to everyone.

Wanting enough space in home/ time for activities/ affordable travel

Free or cheap public transport would be good for all.
Thanks for prompting. I've just filled this in. My 80+ neighbour would really benefit from some of the stuff being talked about but she has no internet, family live miles away, is deaf and refuses to use a hearing aid which makes communication almost impossible and is pretty stubborn (see previous point). There must be many people like this, who will never access anything on offer, even though it would be really helpful for them. :(
Oh ffs just found out they are only supplying printed copies when requested and have no plans to distribute leaflets to those places like libraries and community centres. Ggrrrr! It's like they don't realise a huge number of older people have no internet access. Age Friendly Lambeth? I don't think so
Oh ffs just found out they are only supplying printed copies when requested and have no plans to distribute leaflets to those places like libraries and community centres. Ggrrrr! It's like they don't realise a huge number of older people have no internet access

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