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Advice needed please.


Fashionable objector with a uniform fetish
I was advised by Epona to try this in here, sorry if I'm in the wrong place.

I'm hoping for some help please :)

Can anyone tell me if the orange marked road is going to cost me any charges to drive along it, I've looked at the congestion zone area and this is right on the boundary of it. I've no idea what the red and blue bits are.........Also what are the chances I'll get through this area on a Saturday lunch time with my sanity and hair intact :D

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Thank you for any guidance, I've not driven this close before.
It's what came up when I put my 'A - B' route in Google maps...I'm alright with the getting to the M4/A4...just got a little panicked when I saw how close to the congestion zone it showed up as.
all of the route you've posted is outside the congestion charging zone though fwiw (just)
Thank you, so It's just a case of running the gauntlet with the amount of traffic, that makes me feel easier :)
I was advised by Epona to try this in here, sorry if I'm in the wrong place.

Thank you for any guidance, I've not driven this close before.
Google maps should tell you if you are going in to the congestion charge zone. Check it out on one of the maps on t'internet, but I think you will just miss the congestion charge zone if you follow that route...

Vauxhall Bridge Road is on the boundary, for example, but don't make the mistake I made one time when I missed where I was supposed to be stopping, so drove in to the next side road, turned straight round and back out again. Got fined because that little road is within the zone.
Vauxhall Bridge Road is on the boundary, for example, but don't make the mistake I made one time when I missed where I was supposed to be stopping, so drove in to the next side road, turned straight round and back out again. Got fined because that little road is within the zone.
Thank you Guineveretoo
I've heard stories like that before and I think that's what made me ultra cautious. I thought it was best to ask people who knew the area well. It's so easy to make mistakes.
Worth checking what lane you need to be in at key junctions beforehand if it will help. Vauxhall bridge roundabout from memory is fairly complex

There’s also lots of signs warning you’re about to enter the congestion charge zone but of course if you’re not used to driving in London it’s very easy to miss them as you’ve a million other things to concentrate on.
Worth checking what lane you need to be in at key junctions beforehand if it will help. Vauxhall bridge roundabout from memory is fairly complex

There’s also lots of signs warning you’re about to enter the congestion charge zone but of course if you’re not used to driving in London it’s very easy to miss them as you’ve a million other things to concentrate on.
That's a very good point. The Vauxhall Bridge Junction is awful - complex indeed and, if you are in the wrong lane, and it is busy, you end up going quite the wrong way.

And, although there are, indeed, signs, it is easy to miss them when you are in a hurry or lost and they are just little side roads so you can't see them until it is too late.
two thoughts -

looks as though the congestion charge applies 1200 to 1800 on saturdays - any chance you could do your journey outside these times?

and at the risk of stating the obvious (but not wanting you to find out after the event) - does your vehicle meet ULEZ standards? ULEZ (ultra low emission zone) is a different thing, and is 24/7 within the north + south circular roads. More here, including a checker to see if your vehicle is OK.
two thoughts -

looks as though the congestion charge applies 1200 to 1800 on saturdays - any chance you could do your journey outside these times?

and at the risk of stating the obvious (but not wanting you to find out after the event) - does your vehicle meet ULEZ standards? ULEZ (ultra low emission zone) is a different thing, and is 24/7 within the north + south circular roads. More here, including a checker to see if your vehicle is OK.
Thank you Puddy_Tat I'm working on getting there around 10.30/11ish...I have to pick a kilt up on the way and I'm hoping the lady doesn't invite us in or is a chatterbox, I don't want to offend her by looking like I couldn't wait to get away!

Regarding the ULEZ - thank you I've not heard of that before...luckily we're going in my car, a Puma, I got out of going in Mr S' because it would have cost him over £500 in petrol, plus I doubt it would have passed the regulations! :D
Ok. My top London driving tip for noobs: If you realise you’re in the wrong lane, don’t feel intimidated and that you you have to carry on (unless youve actually taken the exit off the junction) do what you need to do to change lanes - even if that means holding up traffic. Yes they will beep. Fuck them. Let them beep. You aren't born familiar with every bastard junction, nor were they, and everyone fucks up on a new junction occasionally.
Just caught this thread. Driving in London if you don't know the area can be very intimidating, even for me sometimes. It can be easy to panic, thinking am I in the right lane, will I go into congestion charging zone if I turn down a given road. Bus lanes and junction boxes can be strictly enforced.
My rule is try not to hesitate. I would sooner take a wrong turn and have to back track rather than dither around and piss off other drivers.
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