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ACTION: Evict Westbrook NOT New Era! - This Saturday



Johnny Voids write up on this sociopath Mark Donnor…………………….

It’s Time To Take Our Cities Back From Property Developing Parasites Like Westbrook’s Mark Donnor
Mark Donner probably barely batted an eyelid as he casually threatened 93 families on the New Era Estate in Hackney with eviction in the run up to Christmas.

It’s unlikely that Donner, who it was revealed this week lives in a £4 million pound mansion, has ever had to worry about paying the rent. He has led a life dripping with privilege from his days at the exclusive private Leys School in Cambridge right up until his current role as Managing Principal of the shadowy property investment firm Westbrook Partners. At the weekend Donnor spends his life racing classic sports cars, a world away from his tenants who are currently facing the stark terror of upcoming homelessness.

When Donnor’s company bought the New Era Estate they immediately hiked rents on the properties which had remained affordable housing for decades. Then they announced they planned to almost quadruple rents in some cases, a move which they knew all too well would make almost all of the current tenants homeless. But Mark Donnor didn’t care about. Despite his vast wealth he wants more money. Our money.

Because people like Donnor don’t create anything of value. His company couldn’t even be bothered to maintain many of the properties that they rented out in New York. Every penny they get comes from us, the people who actually live in the cities they are happily ransacking in the name of greed. They are nothing more than leeches, sucking the money and the life out of communities to maintain their own gilded existence. According to The Guardian, one of Westbrook’s first moves after buying the New Era properties was to transfer ownership of the estate offshore. This means they can dodge the corporation tax they might have had to pay on the vast profits they hope to make. These parasites do not even want to make a contribution to the society that has allowed them to live such a pampered lifestyle at the expense of everyone else. Ebenezer Scrooge would fucking blush at the antics of these sharks.

The latest news is that Westbrook have said they will not evict the tenants before the end of the year, as if this means they no longer have the morals of sewer rats. They were presumably just fucking with the New Era families when this possibility was raised little over a week ago. What a jolly jape it must be to be a property investor in London.

An increasing number of people are saying to Westbrook you will not evict these tenants at all. Dozens of people have pledged to peacefully but physically resist any eviction attempt by the company and more are signing up every day. You can join the growing list at: http://ipledgetodefendneweraestate....-from-evictions-using-non-violent-resistance/

The New Era tenants are also holding a protest march on Monday 1st December which will gather outside Westbrook’s plush Mayfair offices and march to Downing Street to hand in a petition signed by over 250,000 people. Meet at Berkeley Square, W1 at 12.30pm to join them, and please help spread the word by sharing the facebook event.

Class War have also announced a protest outside Westbrook Partners on the 13th December at noon. The re-energised working class action group have recently had a major success and forced the new owners of the notorious ‘poor doors’ building in East London to the negotiating table. Whilst that battle is not yet over, it shows what can be achieved by getting out on the streets and in their faces.

The people like Donnor trying to steal our cities are nasty pieces of work. They will not give in without a fight. But all they care about is money. They will already be adding up the costs of these protests and any potential resistence to their planned evictions. Let’s make sure it costs them dearly, not just for the New Era families, but to send a message to every other vulture out there that we are taking our city back and will not give up our homes without the fight of our lives.

Follow Johnny Void on twitter @johnnyvoid
Given what these parasitical scum, and others, are doing in London I thought there would have been more support for the OP?
i think there might be now that someone has bumped it at a sensible time. midnight on a monday is not the best time to advertise your demo!

probably not going to be around on saturday but if i can i will come along. it's a good cause!
Four replies to something as grim as this? Now I don't live in,or know London that well but is seems like London is being blatantly stolen from the people who live there.
What little social housing that is left is being flogged to the highest bidder, just surprised there isn't a lot more protest?
<snip> just surprised there isn't a lot more protest?
I can only speak for myself, but I am tired.

Tired of fighting ATOS, tired of fighting the DWP, tired of fighting Lambeth council, tired of persuading others that there's any point left in fighting day in day out, when just getting through each day is difficult enough without having to fight as well.
I can only speak for myself, but I am tired.

Tired of fighting ATOS, tired of fighting the DWP, tired of fighting Lambeth council, tired of persuading others that there's any point left in fighting day in day out, when just getting through each day is difficult enough without having to fight as well.
Aye, I know how you feel, felt the same back when we went back to work, the bastards had won, but the wholesale sell off of our capital city and the blatant profiteering and speculation involved,including elected officials, people literally being forced out of their homes and yet lunnerners elect the likes of Boris? Makes us provincial yokels wonder WTF is going on?
<snip> and yet lunnerners elect the likes of Boris? Makes us provincial yokels wonder WTF is going on?
No. Some Londoners voted for that blonde amoral venal twat - I certainly didn't.
No. Some Londoners voted for that blonde amoral venal twat - I certainly didn't.
What I can't understand is why London isn't burning, I would never suggest violent protest but the Shyte that seems to be dumped on you ( Londoners that is) by officialdom at every level, councils handing over huge swathes of council housing to the private sector for pennies,without cast iron guarantees that the tenants would be protected?
What I can't understand is why London isn't burning, I would never suggest violent protest but the Shyte that seems to be dumped on you ( Londoners that is) by officialdom at every level, councils handing over huge swathes of council housing to the private sector for pennies,without cast iron guarantees that the tenants would be protected?

mmmmm. I think there has been a resurgence in housing protest and campaigns such as New Era and the E15 Mums have got a lot of attention on Twitter, TV etc. Not to mention (thus so far) local campaigns like Cressingham and others. I hope this is just the beginning. Housing issues in London have got ridiculous and I hope that in the way things like Cathy Come Home and the squatting movement influenced the 77 Homeless Persons Act, campaigns against social cleansing and the lack of private sector regulation will succeed.
What I can't understand is why London isn't burning <snip>
Have you forgotten that after that summer week (a couple of years ago) of relatively mild disorder all tenants of council housing and social housing (in Wandsworth at least, but proposed by other boroughs) were threatened with eviction if anyone in their household was found to have taken part in rioting?

Haven't you noticed how kettle-happy the Met are?
I can only speak for myself, but I am tired.

Tired of fighting ATOS, tired of fighting the DWP, tired of fighting Lambeth council, tired of persuading others that there's any point left in fighting day in day out, when just getting through each day is difficult enough without having to fight as well.

The Womens Death Brigade has a restorative effect for comrades. While destroying the high and mighty. They take no prisoners and have a bloody good laugh while they'll at it :)

Join us.

They're too busy gossiping about Brand in another thread to pay attention to the real issues <snip>
Could you stop being smug for a second? It must be so warm and comfortable in your ivory tower on the other side of the Atlantic, since you can claim to be a fulltime wannabe revolutionary instead of having to survive at the same time.

Some of those people you've badmouthed have helped others get the benefits they're entitled to, informed them of their housing rights, or employment rights. Others have helped people to stop falling completely through cracks which shouldn't be there. Okay, not everyone takes to the street, but there are fewer than you seem to think doing nothing but carp.
has diana been out on the streets over the shooting of black males by american police

or is defending brand more important

has diana been out on the streets over the shooting of black males by american police

or is defending brand more important <snip>
I sincerely hope that they've been practising what they preach and defending the IMHO less useful Brand (Russell, not Jo) on their smartphone while taking to the streets over the excessive violence of American police.
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Genuine question, is there something about the East End, even now, that creates this fighting spirit

At its root the fighting spirit is born of love -- love of one's children, love of home, of community, and the love of justice. They are mothers. Never underestimate the ferocity of a mother protecting her child.
Genuine question, is there something about the East End, even now, that creates this fighting spirit
Of course there isn't. What a daft question - each area has its tradition of fighting back. And the power of that is that it's not localised- that others in the same situation can recognise and reach across. That's why the poll tax worked. Not because of fucking genes.
At its root the fighting spirit is born of love -- love of one's children, love of home, of community, and the love of justice. They are mothers. Never underestimate the ferocity of a mother protecting her child.
How's it going on south cali. Telling w/c brits what to do with pointless ]xmas card homilies.
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