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Acid Techno


baseline neural therapy
Been digging out lots of old mp3s I've got and bringing back lots of memories of being 18 and mashed in a field. Obviously it's not just the music, but at the time it represented something very new and exciting.

So what happened to genre? Can anything recomend anything to download from the last 5 years...still love some of the old sets I've got for long car journeys through the night. :)
I used to design flyers for an acid techno system in Brum, we used to regularly put on the Liberators, Lawrie Immersion, Gizelle etc.

It all got a bit stale for me around 1999/2000. I have some great memories though. :cool:
I used to design flyers for an acid techno system in Brum, we used to regularly put on the Liberators, Lawrie Immersion, Gize


All the parties I used to go to were small affairs, like 50 to 100 people in the northamptonshire countryside, got to know folk and helped out moving kit around and stuff. Still know quite a few of folks who used to do them, but it's all about the coke these days and they don't do them anymore. :(
What's happened to it? Sadly nothing....it's still about :(

Just like the 'Happy' ruined Hardcore, the 'Acid' ruins Techno pretty effectively. I've only ever listened to it at all cause I was friends with a rig that played it, and I still always ended up in the other room.
If you're looking for stuff from the last 5 years that sounds like that Tesox tune, then you're kind of out of luck. Acid techno is less inventive these days, I guess owing to the fact that it's not new and fresh anymore. But there have been some pretty good labels popping up here and there. Wahwah has put out some good stuff, skankadelic sounds was good whilst it lasted, Sythe squadren are making good hard acid techno the way mumma used to make.
It's all a bit formulaic, but here we go.

There's also quite alot of harder stuff coming from europe


I know many won't be too impressed with it, but there's still nothing like acid techno :)
Ah, acid techno :D
It was my staple for many years, around the age of 16 - 20 then I moved on to drum and bass.
We used to go to a mental little redneck club in deepest darkest Devon called The Burston. Roland the Bastard cut his teeth there along with a few others. It was a mental little place. Acid Techno also reminds me of trips to squat parties in London and Bristol.
How I survived those years relatively unscathed is beyond me and while I will always look back with fond memories I do shudder a bit too :D
Ceephax Acid Crew still makes good acid records:

I still love the acid techno style stuff (enough that xes DJed at our wedding:D) but I've not heard anything as good as the 90s stuff for a long time.
Guy McAffer - Special Needs Disco is a cracking album, all RAW Records stuff. Still gets played at my house, I usually find it in the CD player after drinking too much the night before with the volume at about 10. :facepalm: :D
used to love acid techno but fuckin ell im gettin too old and ive slowed right down... i really like new stuff thats done in more of an acid house retro vibe, its just hard to dig em out amongst all the new releases, especially since there isnt really a whole sub genre of upfront 303 retro acid house". Stuff like the 'Submersible Machines EP' that came out last year
I loved acid techno throughout the 90s, but I must admit I totally lost sight of it by 99/2000 time. And a lot of stuff from then on I was hearing was of the tek/hardtek variety which doesn't do much for me really.
same here steph, from stuff on important, hyper hype, harthouse, force inc etc thru to the london liberator stuff and then back again, i just went full circle back to the old skool same shit i was listening too at school:) I need to grow up maybe?
chooon Stephj

blimey this is more faster and full on in yer face raw than i remember:eek::cool::D
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