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"A mind blowing novel for a 12 year old girl" - recommendations?

I've been trying to gently guide my 12 year old away from the likes of Gangster Granny to some more grown up books this year with mixed success. I was reading Sven Hassel and John Fowles at that age, but I don't think she's ready for anything too adult yet.

She has just finished HHGTTG and absolutely loved it. I've just got her two books she chose from her reading list:

Chinese Cinderella - Adeline Yen Mah (her choice)
The Tulip Touch - Anne Fine (my choice)

I was obsessed with Chinese Cinderella, had totally forgotten about it. Wonderful book :)
When I was about 9 or 10 I had a brief binge on books like that. God knows why. What the hell would a pre-pubescent boy, with zero knowledge of that sort of world, get out of that kind of thing?
The Chalet School books were fab. I've still got most of them. :oops:
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