"I didn't say anything about how much was being produced, you've made that up."
yes you did. we are talking hunter gatherer society, something defined by how much it produces (not enough for a real surplus) and how it produces it.
"You're still assuming this is just about survival, I never mentioned whether they were hand to mouth or wealthy. It is worth mentioning though that slaves never get an equal share, the enslaver always gets the lions of share of anything."
there are no wealthy hunter gatherers, it makes no sense. hunter gatherer societies are at, or barely above, subsistence levels. if the slave owner is taking the lions share of the subsistence, you cease to subsist.
"I didn't say slavery existed in hunter gatherers in the past or in the present"
you keep saying that and then imply strongly that it did (posts 27, 42, 46, 50). in fact, you state it is 'human nature' therefore as old as humanity itself.
"Chances are this has been going on in Britain as long as people have been here, or not long after." post 27
"I wouldn't be surprised if war and slavery had been around ever since humans had the brain capacity to think of it." post 42
this isn't just speculation without evidence, it actually contradicts the evidence we have. and in a nasty, misanthropic way.