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80s films were crap. Yes? No?

80s films...crap / not crap

  • 99% were totally crap

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • 50% were not crap

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • My favourite films are from the 80s

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • I was barely born..90s films were my thing.

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Some of the best films ever made were from the 80s (name them)

    Votes: 24 58.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Watching 80s films again now thinking wtf? They were crap but we watched them at the time thinking they were good.

Name some 80s films you loved at the time but now you'd consider to be crap.
Went to the pictures an awful lot in the '80s with my first longterm girlfriend, and apart from Beverley Hills Cop, Ferris Bueller and Highlander I can't remember too much else.

Do remember Pretty In Pink and Howard the Duck being shit though.

Oh yeah, The Breakfast Club was enjoyable as was To Live & Die In LA.
I went to the cinema once between 1981 and 1992 and that was to see Ghostbusters. I think that's still quite good.

Finally got to see ET about seven or eight years ago. Everyone in my class at school raved about that at the time, but I thought it was utter shite and I think I would have still thought that when I was a kid.

Never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark. Only saw Back to the Future for the first time about 10 years ago when it was on for the kids club I used to take my daughter to at the local cinema. I thought that was pretty dire too.

I don't think I missed much, basically.
Robocop - the first one - is 1987. So it very much depends on your definition of crap.

Then you've got the Indian Jones trilogy, which are all 80s, Full Metal Jacket (1986, I think), et cetera.

There's a lot of early 80s stuff, though, which is basically "hangover of the 70s". Like Scarface, which starts off with Al Pacino actually acting, before he decides to adopt a cartoon persona instead.
Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Empire Strikes Back

Back to the future

Gregory's Girl

Who Framed Rodger Rabbit


Rain Man

Chariots of Fire



Do I need to go on?
The Long Good Friday (1980)
The Shining (1980)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
The Thing (1982)
Bladerunner (1982)
The Terminator (1984)
Repo Man (1984)
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
Brazil (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Castle in the Sky (1986)
Aliens (1986)
Die Hard (1988)
My Neighbour Totoro (1988)
Akira (1988)
Heathers (1988)
Do the Right Thing (1989)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover (1989)

There's loads of great films from the 80s ffs.
I voted 50% were not crap as the only option saying some were good some were not - but I've no idea what percentage really... I was mostly in my teenage years in the 80s so I watched A LOT of 80s movies at an impressionable age. Not listing them as others have already listed quite a few, but also, I probably forgot loads.

Also, ET was fucking good, ok??? Still is :p

Oh I remember one, Angel Heart. Although I'm not entirely sure it was actually good, or just me, being really young, thinking it was good.

Flashdance! (more groundbreaking than you might think)
Dirty Dancing...

This whole podcast series about the 80s is very interesting by the way. I listened to it last year.

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Time Bandits ... I remember thinking when I first saw it that it was brilliant.
Watched it again last Christmas and thought meh!! It pissed me off that I didnt find it great anymore.
Same with a lot of the films from then. Many just don't hold up well now.

With the exception of some Stephen King films and a few sci fi
..Bladerunner...Aliens..Star Wars..Indiana Jones (1,2 )
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