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25th foreigner dies on small, 8 square mile, Thai island: Koh Tao

There is somebody here who works (diving) in Koh Tao. I have nothing to add except when I went, from Koh Phangan, it was the scariest journey I have ever been on in my life, one where we actually gave ourselves to fate and were convinced we were going to die. The boat should never have sailed, a 2 hour or so trip turned into a 4/5 hour nightmare and I had hardened scousers behind me crying their eyes out looking for land ("If I could just see land, I reckon I could swim there"). This went on for seemingly ever, people crying and puking everywhere. Except us. I can't even swim very well. Just accepted we may well die and was happy with that. Never seen such big waves and swells. It was ridiculous. They cancelled all sailings for four days after that.
What is murky as fuck about the story? It says he died of natural causes. It’s not known as death island either as far as i know.
It might only be 8 square miles but I'm sure the number of visitors is large. I doubt the number of deaths is statistically signficiant compared to similar locations when controlling for risky behviours such as drug/alcohol use and diving.

And if we're including Hannah Witheridge and David Miller than that's going back 8+ years too. I couldn't find anything in the story that references the 25 people figure or says over how long. Like there may be something dodgy going on but I'm not yet convinced.
It might only be 8 square miles but I'm sure the number of visitors is large. I doubt the number of deaths is statistically signficiant compared to similar locations when controlling for risky behviours such as drug/alcohol use and diving.

I don’t see 25 foreigners dying on any other comparibly sized tropical island. Even in Colombia last year it was 27 (I think) and foreigners there are being deliberately targeted for robberies with the aid of that devil’s breath drug.
Actually just read the article. Clickbait shit almost as bad as it gets. 'Death Island' my arse.

The person who actually works there is Kanda . Ask him.

Good podcast from one of the founders of the online news outlets for Samui and surrounding islands.. She lived there too
I don’t see 25 foreigners dying on any other comparibly sized tropical island. Even in Colombia last year it was 27 (I think) and foreigners are there being deliberately targeted for robberies with the aid of that devil’s breath drug.

Trust me dipshit, you think I was gonna just drop one article from a Birmingham local and leave it there?

This place seems like it’s run by murderous scum…
I don’t see 25 foreigners dying on any other comparibly sized tropical island. Even in Colombia last year it was 27 (I think) and foreigners are there being deliberately targeted for robberies with the aid of that devil’s breath drug.

Jesus you even made me google 'Devil's breath drug'. More clickbait shit. It's called scopolamine when it's being used in lie detecting.
Tourists die a lot on their holidays. The figure for Goa is 20 odd people a year. When I was there, quite a few stories did the rounds of people OD'ing, losing their mind and killing themselves or just simply wandering off never to be seen again.

Sky have done a documentary on it also
I don’t see 25 foreigners dying on any other comparibly sized tropical island. Even in Colombia last year it was 27 (I think) and foreigners there are being deliberately targeted for robberies with the aid of that devil’s breath drug.

What comparibly sized tropical island has so many foreign divers, drunks and drunk divers staying there for extended periods?
Tourists die a lot on their holidays. The figure for Goa is 20 odd people a year. When I was there, quite a few stories did the rounds of people OD'ing, losing their mind and killing themselves or just simply wandering off never to be seen again.

Wasn't somewhere in Spain host to a mysterious quantity of British tourists falling off hotel balconies recently?

I’m no murder scene investigator but his hands are tied behind his back, and he’s apparently used a shoelace as well
Why are you laughing?
It's a tiny island which apparently is "cursed" because tourists died there. I'm sure such places aren't cursed when locals die, but if it's foriegners there must be something wrong.

None of them appear to be sus, unlike this next poor victim.

Is it suspicous? Sometimes people who hang themsleves tie their own hands:

There's a lot of clickbait around - tabloids are very fond of stories about people dying on holiday - but Koh Tao's reputation as a place where tourists should take extra care seems well-deserved, even the police admit that there were major problems in the past and I wouldn't trust their claims to have cracked down.

Koh Tao, a ferry ride from better-known Koh Samui, has long had a reputation as a home for organized crime, and as a place where the police protected local interests.

The police major general who headed the rape investigation, Surachate Hakparn, said in an interview with The Times that the police have cracked down on crime syndicates on Koh Tao since the backpackers’ double killing.

“We admit that in the past, there was a mafia there that took advantage of tourists,” he said. “Today, we have gotten rid of them.”

Human Rights Watch has raised concerns:

On September 4 and 5, 2018, police arrested 12 Facebook users from across Thailand under the draconian Computer-Related Crime Act for sharing information about an alleged rape of a 19-year-old British tourist in June 2018 on Koh Tao island. Arrest warrants were also issued against Suzanne Emery, British publisher of the online newspaper Samui Times, and Pramuk Anantasin, Thai-American administrator of the CSI LA Facebook page, for reporting the story and raising concerns about the quality of the police work.

“The Thai police appear to be using computer-related crime charges against anyone who questions their shoddy investigation of the Koh Tao island rape case,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The authorities should immediately drop these bogus charges.”

And if we're including Hannah Witheridge and David Miller than that's going back 8+ years too. I couldn't find anything in the story that references the 25 people figure or says over how long. Like there may be something dodgy going on but I'm not yet convinced.

A human rights activist working with Burmese migrant labourers in Thailand supported the two men tried and convicted of their murder throughout their trial. Says he believes them to have been forced to confess and used as scapegoats to protect the real killers.
There's a lot of clickbait around - tabloids are very fond of stories about people dying on holiday - but Koh Tao's reputation as a place where tourists should take extra care seems well-deserved, even the police admit that there were major problems in the past and I wouldn't trust their claims to have cracked down.

Koh Tao, a ferry ride from better-known Koh Samui, has long had a reputation as a home for organized crime, and as a place where the police protected local interests.

The police major general who headed the rape investigation, Surachate Hakparn, said in an interview with The Times that the police have cracked down on crime syndicates on Koh Tao since the backpackers’ double killing.

“We admit that in the past, there was a mafia there that took advantage of tourists,” he said. “Today, we have gotten rid of them.”

Human Rights Watch has raised concerns:

On September 4 and 5, 2018, police arrested 12 Facebook users from across Thailand under the draconian Computer-Related Crime Act for sharing information about an alleged rape of a 19-year-old British tourist in June 2018 on Koh Tao island. Arrest warrants were also issued against Suzanne Emery, British publisher of the online newspaper Samui Times, and Pramuk Anantasin, Thai-American administrator of the CSI LA Facebook page, for reporting the story and raising concerns about the quality of the police work.

“The Thai police appear to be using computer-related crime charges against anyone who questions their shoddy investigation of the Koh Tao island rape case,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The authorities should immediately drop these bogus charges.”

Was there myself in 2012. I rented a bike off a bloke who owned a motorbike rental shop, German guy… Lederhosen.

Funny thing is, I only went to him because of a slow-puncture on the bike i’d rented the day previously.. When i’d informed the local business owner that i’d driven approx 20 metres up the hill, gone to bed, awoke and saw the puncture and driven back down again I was told I would be stabbed if I didn’t pay for a new inner tube 🤷🏼‍♂️

Yeah, the guy said ‘I’ll stab you’
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