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20 year old games that still run (and are still relevant)

I just realised that Worms Armageddon is over 20 years old now. To me it has never been surpassed by any subsequent titles in the franchise and furthermore, it still has healthily populated servers with people playing it!
I then struggled to think of any other game that achieved this. Are there any that do?
(Or just 20 year old games that still run and are still popular)
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worm has had more games that i can count on me and yours fingers and toes

Diablo. Star Craft and even Counter strike in the few versions are around the same vintage

still servers up for the original half life death match

tbh look around steam :)
Unreal Tournament. One of the best games ever made, and it's still going strong.
I spent far too many hours making maps for that game.

Used to play that a bit with a gaming mate. And he kicked my arse. But it was one of the first (if not the first) multiplayer death match instances in software.
Used to play that a bit with a gaming mate. And he kicked my arse. But it was one of the first (if not the first) multiplayer death match instances in software.
Me and a few mates used to play it online pretty much every night for years, on dial-up. My phone bills were ridiculous. I used to have a ping of 250-300, which was no fun. It meant I had to shoot in front of people to hit them, but I got really good at it.
I used to love Morpheus (the map), doing a rocket jump and landing on top of the antenna where nobody could see you and you could snipe everyone :D
UT's USP, and definitely what got me hooked was the included map editor. Having your customers build the maps for you was a brilliant idea, and probably why the game has lasted so long.
Haven't played Unreal Tournament for a few years but it's the only online deathmatch type thing I ever really bothered with. The first Halo was also great online but I doubt anyone still plays that.
I still play Alpha Centauri (played the new version, don't like it) and Total Annihilation.

Alpha Centauri remains the best in the Civ series. Surprised it still works with modern OS. May need to have a look again myself if it does.

Me and a few mates used to play it online pretty much every night for years, on dial-up. My phone bills were ridiculous. I used to have a ping of 250-300, which was no fun. It meant I had to shoot in front of people to hit them, but I got really good at it.
I used to love Morpheus (the map), doing a rocket jump and landing on top of the antenna where nobody could see you and you could snipe everyone :D
UT's USP, and definitely what got me hooked was the included map editor. Having your customers build the maps for you was a brilliant idea, and probably why the game has lasted so long.

I suppose that's the same with Worms Armageddon as people could design their own terrain to suit new game styles with that also. I mean externally with graphics programs, not some internal manipulation thing.
Sensible World of Soccer still has devoted servers/ leagues etc I gather - has a claim to best football game of all time (here? News and Content Overview)

Big fan of Worms here too - really is genius

I wonder if Speedball/2 has any ongoing online competition. Thats another game that held up to long repeated play (at the time for me at least)
Worms 2 was the best. You could manipulate every paramater for every weapon, and customise all the voices. The level editor was great too. But just fucking around with the Ninja Rope was worth the cover price.

Armageddon added little and took much away.
Worms 2 was the best. You could manipulate every paramater for every weapon, and customise all the voices. The level editor was great too. But just fucking around with the Ninja Rope was worth the cover price.

Armageddon added little and took much away.

Armageddon you design your own games entirely. Example in my previous link.
I don't know if anyone still plays them except me, but those SNK fighting games like KoF, Last Blade, Samurai Showdown were definitely the peak of fighting games for me and they are still great to play.

Metal Slug by SNK has a weird cult around it as well
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