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2 x Free tickets to Nine Inch Nails - Brixton Academy - Tuesday 21 June

So, due to the train strikes tomorrow I am no longer able to attend this. So would anyone like the tickets? I can't resale or transfer them, so someone in Brixton (or who can get to Brixton easily) might as well have them.

They cost me £75 each but I'm giving them away for free, and this will be a rare opportunity to see the band in a more intimate show than they usually do.

Two things - the advice says not to bring a bag - anything over the size of a piece of A4 will be refused entry, so leave your bags at home. And secondly, I will be giving you my Ticketmaster account and log in, so you log into my account and the tickets are in there under "my account - upcoming shows". Show then at the door for scanning and jobs a good 'un.

PM if interested.

Tix gone.

I hope they have the best time. They are such an amazing live band.

Tbh, I've seen them six times live and spent six or seven years living in Loughborough Junction about 20 years ago. I'd planned on having a proper day out by getting the train up in the afternoon and getting the bus over to Camberwell and walking down past Eddie's Diner to where the Green Man used to be, and then having a beer in the Dogstar, and then working down to the Albert etc. Just to see how it had all changed.

And then topping it all of with the gig.

That won't happen now but I hope the people that got the tix will enjoy it as much as I would have done.
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