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“Left-wing anarchist guilty of terror offences”

Wearing a T-shirt and glasses, he said at one point: "I've got everything I need to start my revolution."

So, are they saying that a t-shirt and glasses are all thats needed to start a revolution? If so, we're quids in and my varifocals means I can see the dialectic clearer than anyone.
So his hero was Ted Kaczinski, but while Ted was famously academically gifted, this bloke's clearly a total fuckwit.

On the wall in his bedroom Graham had printed out a picture of a car bomb exploding with the words: "Make politicians afraid to start their cars again."

tbf the fgc-9 is more of a pistol Calibre carbine than a rifle although not sure why the designers who claimed to fuck gun control didn't make it fully automatic like a sub machine gun like the lufty?
still better build quality than the original SA80 😢.

just because he was several haribo short of a full packet doesn't mean he wasn't dangerous
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