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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. dylans

    why are you not voting today?

    Oh come on. It's not about wanting someone to represent my exact beliefs but its about seeing that all 3 parties are preaching exactly the same thing and that exact same thing is attacks on the poor and the most vulnerable in order to benefit the wealthy and the powerful. Why should I endorse that?
  2. cesare

    why are you not voting today?

    Well, I'm not of that tendency. Just sayin.
  3. kabbes

    why are you not voting today?

    ...NONE OF THAT is intended to imply that you should vote for the three main neo-liberal parties, who all occupy the top-right of the political compass. But it's still an impression I get from reading the posts of this board over the last three years -- many people won't be happy unless they...
  4. Refused as fuck

    Tory lead cut to 6% in poll ..

    :facepalm: Take a look at your graphics again, there. Tell me what they say about the Lib Dems. "To the left of Labour" does not equal "centre-left" even if true.
  5. ska invita

    Tory lead cut to 6% in poll ..

    ...on labour on the majority of issues. the most im willing to concede is that centre is relative, and has moved away to the right. a political compass view of the parties such as this is hardly contentious. I know there are a lot of dreamers who believe the labour party to be...
  6. danny la rouge

    Time To Abandon The Terms "Left" And "Right"

    God's too busy, then, is he? I thought he was more hands off these days.
  7. danny la rouge

    Time To Abandon The Terms "Left" And "Right"

    Get God to do the Political Compass for us: http://www.politicalcompass.org/test Cheers.
  8. S

    have you ever been canvassed?

    Ummuna is the great hope of the Labour Cruddasite soft left, he's a big player in Compass. Was down at a friend's house in your manor, I saw his election address which carried an endorsement from Polly Toynbee praising him for being opposed to Iraq and ID cards. My friend had also had a...
  9. T

    Vote labour to keep the tories out?

    Political Compass have a graph showing where the parties stand and how they have shifted. Labour's drift over the decades is especially interesting: http://www.politicalcompass.org/ukparties2010
  10. F

    Global financial system implosion begins

    It is a remarkably consistent pattern on Urban that whenever someone says something others disagree with, the others start discussing the person (usually in the 3rd person), not the thing that is said. I'm really not interested in debating the morality of benefit fraud. If casting my comments...
  11. F

    Global financial system implosion begins

    Elbows, there are quite a few people lining up as candidates for being your shoulder mate. There are the legions of the economically illiterate, unable to grasp at any meaningful level the difference between an income of £1.01 and expenditure of £1.00, and an income of £0.99 and an...
  12. Gramsci

    Lambeth local elections 2010 thread

    Your correct again. People assume they have no ideas. They do but they are kind of progressive with a twist of neoliberalism thrown. Unless you read Prospect mag etc you wouldnt know about them. Someone told me that Lambeth Labour is broadly split between those who support Compass and those...
  13. danny la rouge


    Medialens email some of you may be interested in:
  14. articul8

    Tamsin Omond to stand against Green Party’s Bea Campbell Labour’s Glenda Jackson

    Its politics/method have essentially been recast in the form of Compass
  15. Pickman's model

    BNP leader faces jail!!

    "people who could be swayed to vote bnp wouldn't understand fascism" you're saying that none of the people who would think about voting bnp - and don't forget that you're talking about many thousands of people - would, according to you understand, fascism. you can't make such a sweeping...
  16. MrA

    BNP leader faces jail!!

    If you believe that people who don't understand Fascism are thick then that's your premise not mine. Not all people will know it's history or modern context. How many people would know who Arthur Kemp is today? Lets look at this Glenis Willmott said fellow MEP Mr Griffin was trying to...
  17. Pickman's model

    Believeing in syndicalism/radical trade unionism

    to be honest, if you join the af you're much more likely to be branded a bore than a terrorist.
  18. N

    Believeing in syndicalism/radical trade unionism

    You are not an Anarchist shevek. Dont enterain the idea. You are a Liberal Democrat. A member of an establishment Party just as Tory as the Conservatives and New Labour. You talk anarchist in the same breath as Liberal Democrat, just like changing compartments in a Train. Very confusing.
  19. S

    Believeing in syndicalism/radical trade unionism

    ...an anarchist (which is probably why I saw joining the Lib Dem's as palatable). Both me and my partner (who is a Lib Dem did the political compass survey and both came out as libertarian socialists). I think Chomsky (who I refer to A LOT) has commented that some social-democratic gains by...
  20. Bahnhof Strasse

    Bipolar Briton faces execution in China.

    Sadly our PM is wholly spineless :( Hopefully the Chinese will show some compassion.
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