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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. taffboy gwyrdd

    What stupid shit has Trump done today?

    Loathe as I am to defend Clinton, she wasn't dismissing the "basket of deplorables" because of their skin colour or socio-economic status. She was dismissing bigotry generally as deplorable, and it's generally overlooked that Trump has a huge base among wealthy people too (tax "reform" is one...
  2. RD2003

    What stupid shit has Trump done today?

    The ex-Marxist Christopher Lasch went some way to explaining it in his books from The Culture of Narcissism onwards. The alternative politics he suggests are pretty much a non-starter, but he definitely nailed the elitism and snobbery of US 'progressives.'
  3. F

    I'm off to prison soon

    Anyone who has had to deal with serious mental health problems will know the gap between a "productive" member of society and someone the wrong side of the criminal justice system can be very thin. Retain a compassion for the person behind the problem. If you can be a positive influence in one...
  4. S

    Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

    It also helps if you don't completely despise people who aren't the same as you. Especially those you purport to represent.
  5. existentialist

    Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

    I think that there has been a mode of thought that has grown in (particularly the more corporate aspect of) the political caste - that they really are somewhat untouchable. It seems inconceivable to us that people like Paget-Brown, May, even people like Sadiq Khan, can make what seem to us like...
  6. phillm

    Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

    This vile piece of editorial was prominent on the DM website an hour ago and then dissapeared so I had to do an advanced search for it. So to preserve this bile I will qoute it in full. So this is how they intend framing 'their fightback'. DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Shame of playing politics with...
  7. free spirit

    Political polling

    It says it's reflecting the mean views of each party's supporters, so presumably there will be some percentages of support around those coloured areas as well.
  8. K

    Political polling

    Yeah, I agree with that. But not as polarised as implied by that political compass-style map, with literally nobody other than at the poles. The majority of people in my own personal bubble are still as middle-ground wishy-washy liberal as they ever were.
  9. K

    Political polling

    That's very interesting but it does imply the non-existence of voters that are at least within the area defined by (0.2, 0.2), (0.2, 0.5), (0.6, 0.8) and (0.6, 0.6). This is literally the middle ground (it encompasses (0.5, 0.5)) that we are normally told contains MOST of the voters! So what...
  10. brogdale

    Political polling

    Not polling as such, but polling derived. Given the usual caveats about this 'political compass'-style methodology....the 'ideological' mapping of support in 2015 and 2017.
  11. Raheem

    The 2017 General Election campaign

    Thing is, that's probably pretty much the extent of what he can do while campaigning is suspended. Meanwhile, for May it's non-stop hospital visits, high-profile meetings with the police and summarising the mood of the nation in her role as quasi head of state, until such time as they decide...
  12. Tom A

    The 2017 General Election campaign

    Well to me Corbyn is doing all the right things presently, showing genuine compassion and not trying to make political gain out of it: Also I hope the public will now have gotten wise to politicians' attempts to "bury bad news".
  13. Leo2

    Help re Sixteen year old son not going to School

    Thanks for that. I have no idea what spanglechick finds so offensive about my views, but my experience of these discussion boards leads me to believe it is quite difficult to understand the precise meaning intended - when imparted by simply words on the screen (in the absence of tone of voice...
  14. CrabbedOne

    And next, Syria?

    On TAC Bombing Syria Doesn’t Provide Humanitarian Relief Trump's framing this as being about "regional stability". That's Blob speak for Israel. I'd not assume he's seen the light over Assad as yet. Trump may have experienced a genuine moment of compassion but a large part of his schtick is...
  15. CrabbedOne

    The Trump presidency

    In TAC Trumping the Yellow Brick Road The original House Of Cards phrase "no bottom" comes to mind. Sad!
  16. Andrew Hertford

    100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolutions(s)

    I was hoping to be Rodchenko or El Lissitzky, but apparently I’m a ‘Menshevik internationalist’. No idea what that is, I hope it's nothing to do with Louise.
  17. emanymton

    100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolutions(s)

    Me to apparently. :hmm: load of bollocks
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