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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. Pickman's model

    Political Compass Test

    this is the 171st thread on the political compass on urban.
  2. pogofish

    Political Compass Test

    For fuck's sake - not this again! Political compass must be about the most overdone thread subject on Urban! :mad:
  3. Welsh lad

    Political Compass Test

    This is quite good fun actually - thought it would produce some very interesting results amongst forumites too! Mine is... Economic Left/Right: -3.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.77 So I'm Left Libertarian which is roughly what I thought I was.
  4. J Ed

    Ukip - why are they gaining support?

    As pointed out further up the thread, this is a pretty common phenomenon (with traditional working-class Tory and Labour voters) and mirrors the growth of support for the Tea Party in the US. Chomsky and Owen Jones could be talking about the same party/faction with branches in different...
  5. 8ball

    Is there any validity in the "Men's Movement"?

    ...a left-right spectrum, and lots of other attempts to place political ideas and opinions onto a single 'map' (whether it be the 'political compass' or whatever) also leave lots of stuff out of the picture. What you see is influenced by the lens you are looking through. edit: that's a...
  6. cesare

    There's no such thing as left and right anymore...

    Political Compass lifted it from Meltzer anyway
  7. silverfish

    Posh parents defend their child scrambling over Tate Modern scultpture

    From whichever point off the socio-political compass you look at it from:D
  8. Das Uberdog

    SWP expulsions and squabbles

    i lived with Tim for a year, whilst he was still Delta's party lap dog. he's never made a personal political risk in his life, has not an iota of a moral compass. lives primarily off the rush he gets from anaethematizing his latest political opponents... see his long running dispute with Ed...
  9. brogdale

    Ukip - why are they gaining support?

    I'm not sure that it's just the UKIP supporters themselves that would describe some of their political positions as 'left of centre'. I'd imagine that quite a few folk on here would be glad to see a party of the left subscribing to some of the desires expressed by UKIP supporters:- "In a series...
  10. Q

    Will you vote for independence?

    Well yes, but as long as you recognise that, you can take it and move on. I really don't see it that way. For me the SNP is about power. They want power and that power will come through an independent Scotland. Will Scotland benefit from giving them that power? I don't know. I'm still only on...
  11. danny la rouge

    Will you vote for independence?

    The problem with the Political Compass as a yardstick (and, indeed, the traditional Left-Right continuum) is that it bases its measure on an aggregation of discrete items. The more of these you have the more left or right you are. It isn’t so much that it’s badly calibrated (which, even by...
  12. D

    Will you vote for independence?

    even genghis khan would get a left axes on political compass
  13. R

    Will you vote for independence?

    Tell us again how Cameron is a socialist.
  14. B

    Will you vote for independence?

    Oh god.
  15. Q

    Will you vote for independence?

    If you look at the Political Compass, you'll see that the SNP are well to the Left of the Tories and Labour and markedly less authoritarian.
  16. littlebabyjesus

    50 years since Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech

    My issue isn't with the Guardian list being political in its choices. It is with it presenting its list as if it were apolitical when it very clearly isn't, and the politics that it does reveal through that action. I shouldn't be surprised, but you have that Spencer bloke and not a single...
  17. Limerick Red

    Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

    Surely depends on skin tones, the whiter the person you're speaking to the more oppressed you are, the darker the more priviledged you are, there is a special coin you can send away to twitter for, in the case that you are speaking to middle-eastern people, this coin when flipped will determine...
  18. ItWillNeverWork

    Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

    There's a point system, obvs. Kind of like that political compass thing. No idea what the axes would be, but I'm sure someone can help us out.
  19. frogwoman

    German poster campaign launched to find surviving Nazis

    Just been reading that Alfred Rosenberg essay again. I think this may be the sort of thing you're looking for Manter Rosenberg followed life to Munich, where to begin with he lived laboriously by taking odd jobs. He quickly found his way into Russian emigre circles and made contact with the...
  20. SpookyFrank

    has there ever been a lamer labour leader than ed miliband?

    You're right. You can't take aim properly when you're all worked up, your breathing is too rapid and your hands shake too much.
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