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70's Squat Doc

Theres also a series of short (5 minute) programmes about the St Agnes place evictions after Channel 4 news all this week. (Squat Street- C4 7.55PM)
Fuckin' 'ell just spotted Tony Wakeford on this. Former member of the SWP and a the band 'Crisis' who produced some great tunes.
MC5 said:
Fuckin' 'ell just spotted Tony Wakeford on this. Former member of the SWP and a the band 'Crisis' who produced some great tunes.

Still got their Ist single, 'No Town Hall' about Southwark's gentrification plans of the time. Knew they played squat benefits back in the day but didn't realise he was a Villa Rd resident.
Sir Belchalot said:
Still got their Ist single, 'No Town Hall' about Southwark's gentrification plans of the time. Knew they played squat benefits back in the day but didn't realise he was a Villa Rd resident.

I've a bunch of singles of theirs including that one. They also did a peel session which I have on tape. Met them when they played at a SWP rally in Skegness. Also at Rock Against Racism benefits and an anti-fascist march in Leicester.
MC5 said:
Fuckin' 'ell just spotted Tony Wakeford on this. Former member of the SWP and a the band 'Crisis' who produced some great tunes.

UK 79!

Which one was he? I was flicking, was he the bloke with the ponytail?
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