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Squatting 70s style, BBC4 8 Feb

Ground Elder said:
The other programmes look interesting as well.

They do, don't they? I don't have freeview, but will watch it on b/f's TV - & he only has ability to record to hard disc - otherwise I'd have been only too glad to video/DVD this & pass it on to people.
The Villa road programme looks unmissable, it's even going to have something about St Agnes place...

Sorry I cant video it either GE, I haven't had a machine for ages now.
Ground Elder said:
The other programmes look interesting as well.

But I've not got freeview :( Anyone fancy taping them for me? :)

If I can work out how to do it then I shall :)

They look like gooduns - might be worth you paying 40 quid fro freeview tbh ;)

*St Agnes place is now all demolished I cried looking at it the other day what a waste* :(
Ground Elder said:
The other programmes look interesting as well.

But I've not got freeview :( Anyone fancy taping them for me? :)

If zenie can't work it out, can do, but you'd better PM me to remind me on the night(s)
would you like them on DVD or VHS? <proud owner of new technology since christmas ;) >
there's a new BBC4 show starting next week called (oh dear) I Predict A Riot.. series about recent riots, which would be interesting but unfortunately it's present by James fucking Brown
aurora green said:
...so they pulled it all down then...
Bunch of absolute fucking tossers.:mad: :(

Yeh I guess demolition started last week when I looked on saturday the whole of the playground side had gone and half of the other.

Still got all the crack dealers there though :rolleyes:

:mad: & :( x 1000

*resolves to stop self thinking about it for the rest of the day*
Dubversion said:
there's a new BBC4 show starting next week called (oh dear) I Predict A Riot.. series about recent riots, which would be interesting but unfortunately it's present by James fucking Brown

:confused: who is he cos all I can think of is the funkmaster :eek:
Must see this Villa Road programme ...

Wasn't some researcher asking around on Urban for old photos/footage relating to Villa Road, a few months ago?? :confused:
Cheers Stig and Zenie :cool: A dvd would be superb, so I suppose the honour of recording them for me should go to Stig :)

I get crap TV reception, so getting freeview is likely to cost more than the £40 for the box :(

Does anyone remember a programme made by a bunch of Oxford squatters about 15 years ago?
Thanks for the link.They do look good.Argos do Freeview for under £30 now.Might just get it for this series.Is it just me but is all the good stuff on BBC4 now?Sometimes progs are repeated on BBC2 after Newsnight if they are popular.
Theres also a series of 3 minute-long "shorts" on Channel 4 monday to wednesday called "Squat Street".

Monday is about "the first days of a squat in south London"
Tuesday is about "squatters in west London"
Wednesday is about "the demolition of London's St. Agnes Place squat".

Edited to add:

The shorts are on at 7:55PM each night.
TeeJay said:
They talk about "Villa Road". Is this the one next to Max Roach Park?

yes. :)

And cheers for letting us know about those other short films VP, are they on after the news?
I'm really glad there's some stuff about St.Agnes getting out there. Those scumbags responsible dont deserve to be re-elected.
aurora green said:
Those scumbags responsible dont deserve to be re-elected.
The elections are in May - people really need to start working out a strategy on this now - for example if it was decided to stand specific candidates and you wanted a party name to appear on the ballot you need to be registered.

"Candidates representing a registered political party may use a description of up to six words and a registered party emblem on the ballot paper. This description must be authorised by the registered party’s Nominating Officer, or
by a person authorised in writing to do so on their behalf, and must not lead voters to confuse them with another party. Candidates not standing on behalf of a party may use the description ‘Independent’ or no description at all, and cannot use an emblem."

Alternatively the approach might be to vote tactically (for or against specific candidates of whichever party in each ward) or maybe to stand on a Green ticket.

Whichever approach is taken I think anyone wanting to do it should start things off now if they want to make a real impact in May. A strategy needs to be discussed and agreed on, people recruited, materials prepared and any registration and form-filling sorted out - and then a few weeks of more concentrated activity prior to the elections.
the last house in St Agnes Place was in court yesterday afternoon (number 93) I haven't heard what the outcome was though, might find out later. I'll post a link to a couple of pics from St Agnes as it stands now as soon as I've put them up somewhere.
aurora green said:
yes. :)

And cheers for letting us know about those other short films VP, are they on after the news?

Slaps self around forehead.

I'm an idiot, I admit it. I forgot to put the time.

7:55PM mon to weds. :)
I'm really glad there's some stuff about St.Agnes getting out there. Those scumbags responsible dont deserve to be re-elected.
Yep, hopefully Cllr Felch-shit's "parasites" comment will be highlighted as the piece of abusive invective it was, and the farcical "rent arrears" claim shown up as cheap propaganda from an ideology-free bunch of corporatist cocksuckers.

Slaps self around face to calm down.
ViolentPanda said:
Yep, hopefully Cllr Felch-shit's "parasites" comment will be highlighted as the piece of abusive invective it was, and the farcical "rent arrears" claim shown up as cheap propaganda from an ideology-free bunch of corporatist cocksuckers.
The thing is that unless someone actually points this out to local voters and gives a clear steer about how to vote then a lot of people will just vote for their usual party or on bigger issues - or even more likely not even bother voting at all (turnouts for local elections are not that high and just a few hundreds votes can swing the result).
ViolentPanda said:
Yep, hopefully Cllr Felch-shit's "parasites" comment will be highlighted as the piece of abusive invective it was, and the farcical "rent arrears" claim shown up as cheap propaganda from an ideology-free bunch of corporatist cocksuckers.

Slaps self around face to calm down.

Yer just warming up!! :p :D :p
William of Walworth said:
Must see this Villa Road programme ...

Wasn't some researcher asking around on Urban for old photos/footage relating to Villa Road, a few months ago?? :confused:
That's the one. It was previewed at the Ritzy a couple of weeks ago. Some of the stories seem so out of time now, viewed with a hindsight that knows what happened as the spirit of resistance and experiment was steamrollered away through the 80s. Perhaps the scale of what happened will surprise those who weren't there, as well as confirming unnecessary prejudices (Oxbridge, screamers, IMG... may have been true of a few but they were really only a tiny minority). Overall I thought it painted rather a dismal picture without really showing the range of the rejection of what wider society demanded, or indeed of what that wider 70s context was really about and why that rejection took place. Perhaps the others in the series will flesh that out a bit
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