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Workers' Girder! Getcher Workers Girder!

Proletarian Democracy has to raise its game. Our rival satirical publication "Workers Hammer" has an article announcing that the Sparts are giving "military" support to ISIS against the Syrian Kurds.
What?!?!? :eek:

Pretty much my reaction too.

"We have a military side with the reactionary ISIL when it engages in military conflict with the imperialists and their local forces on the ground, including the Iraqi Kurdish pesh merga, the Baghdad government, Shi'ite militias and the Syrian Kurds. We give no political support to any of these retrograde forces." p.4, Summer 2015 issue, quoting a Spart International Secretariat motion.
Pretty much my reaction too.

"We have a military side with the reactionary ISIL when it engages in military conflict with the imperialists and their local forces on the ground, including the Iraqi Kurdish pesh merga, the Baghdad government, Shi'ite militias and the Syrian Kurds. We give no political support to any of these retrograde forces." p.4, Summer 2015 issue, quoting a Spart International Secretariat motion.

Wankers. Repeatedly doing it too.

That is why we have called for military defense of the Islamic State (ISIS) reactionaries in Iraq and Syria against U.S. imperialism and its foot soldiers on the ground—including Kurdish and Iraqi Shi’ite militias

But ISIS is today under attack by U.S. imperialism, the main enemy of workers and the oppressed worldwide, and by Washington’s junior partner in Ottawa. Under such circumstances, Marxists have a military side with ISIS when it targets the imperialists and their on-the-ground lackeys including the Baghdad government, its Shi’ite militias and the Kurdish nationalist forces in Iraq and Syria.

In stark contrast to the bulk of the reformist left internationally, in the imperialists’ new war in Iraq and Syria, the International Communist League takes a military side with the forces of the Islamic State (ISIS) against the US-led coalition and its local adjuncts, based on the elementary Marxist understanding that it is the imperialists who are the main enemies of working people and the oppressed around the world.
There's a photoshop job for someone made of sterner stuff than me...jihadi John clutching his copy of Workers Hammer.


Seriously, these fucks probably deserve a slap by now.

Jihadi john standing by a stall, defending the north korean deformed worker's state's right to nuclear weapons and denouncing centrist opportunitist tendencies in the fourth international
We take a military side with ISIS when it targets the imperialists and forces acting as their proxies, including the Baghdad government and the Shi’ite militias as well as the Kurdish pesh merga forces in Northern Iraq and the Syrian Kurdish nationalists. This does not mean we give the slightest political support to the reactionary ISIS butchers.

Without illusions
That is why we have called for military defense of the Islamic State (ISIS) reactionaries in Iraq and Syria against U.S. imperialism and its foot soldiers on the ground—including Kurdish and Iraqi Shi’ite militias—notwithstanding that the bloodthirsty methods and retrograde outlook of ISIS are counterposed to everything Marxism stands for. And that is why we now likewise take a stand militarily with the Houthi forces and their allies, without giving them any political support, when they are targeted by the U.S.-backed Saudi-led military coalition and its proxies on the ground.


Vote isis with no illusions :facepalm:

How the fuck do you support daesh AND the houthis 'and their allies' when Iran is an ally of the houthis???!
I can just imagine it now.

ISIS guy: 'Welcome to Syria, i'll take you over to your new home, and then tomorrow you will have weapons and Shariah law training'
Spart: 'OK but before that you must answer the question why al-Baghdadi has never spoken upon the question of the North Korean deformed workers state and its right to nuclear weapons, and in our lastest Workers Hammer we strongly denounce this rightward turn and his failure to speak up on this most important issue to the workers' movement'
ISIS guy: 'Er...what??'
Spart: *gets out long pamphlet* On 3rd of June 1995 your leader wrote a letter to the local paper in which he criticised the bus workers for going on strike and making him late for work, do you have anything to say on this matter, his centrist and reformist leadership is putting ISIS outside the workers' movement although we still support you critically and without illusions against imperialist attack. Do you have anything more to say on that *reads long litany of ISIS's failures to maintain true trotskyism which the sparts have upheld since 1945'
ISIS guy's eyes grow wide
Spart: 'When was the last time Dabiq magazine mentioned Lenin.?????'
*ISIS run away and kurds march in shortly afterwards'
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ISIS guy: 'We want you to appear in one of our videos for al Hayat media centre, and talk about how you support Islamic State as an opposition to American Imperialism. We want to show that people from all walks of life are supporting our State and in fact, entering jihad because of us. The title of this video shall be 'A Marxist finds the Truth in Syria'

Spart: 'OK, but we don't give you any political support. Only military support. The ICL-FI gives a military side to support of ISIS against the Americans and it provides hope to oppressed people worldwide. But we don't give you any political support. Do you understand'

ISIS guy: 'No. But you are right about The Khilafah giving hope to millions worldwide! I'd like you to say that to the camera and smile while you hold an ISIS flag'

'I don't give political support to ISIS. Only military support. We call for military assistance to anyone who fights the yankee butchers! Just as we give support to the Houthis -'

ISIS guy - 'Wait - WHAT????'

'We support the Houthis in their brave fight against American imperialism and its unholy alliance with ISIS and we support ISIS in its battle with America, Iran and the Houthis'

ISIS guy: 'Are you taking the fucking piss? We might have to re-do this video to make it a beheading'

Spart: 'No no! I support you uncritically, but without illusions, against yankee bourgeois scum'

ISIS guy: 'OK good. Cut this scene, lets do it again. Talk again about Islamic State giving hope to the oppressed'

Spart: 'Only if you buy a paper'

ISIS guy: *gives up*

*YPG march in*
I can just imagine it now.

ISIS guy: 'Welcome to Syria, i'll take you over to your new home, and then tomorrow you will have weapons and Shariah law training'
Spart: 'OK but before that you must answer the question why al-Baghdadi has never spoken upon the question of the North Korean deformed workers state and its right to nuclear weapons, and in our lastest Workers Hammer we strongly denounce this rightward turn and his failure to speak up on this most important issue to the workers' movement'
ISIS guy: 'Er...what??'
Spart: *gets out long pamphlet* On 3rd of June 1995 your leader wrote a letter to the local paper in which he criticised the bus workers for going on strike and making him late for work, do you have anything to say on this matter, his centrist and reformist leadership is putting ISIS outside the workers' movement although we still support you critically and without illusions against imperialist attack. Do you have anything more to say on that *reads long litany of ISIS's failures to maintain true trotskyism which the sparts have upheld since 1945'
ISIS guy's eyes grow wide
Spart: 'When was the last time Dabiq magazine mentioned Lenin.?????'
*ISIS run away and kurds march in shortly afterwards'

Right guard will not help you here.
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