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Work starts on the eagerly awaited new Foxtons office on Brixton Road

Nice piece in the Standard (of all places):

My Faustian pact with an estate agent

As part of my ceaseless and spirit-sapping search for a first flat, I was recently driven around Brixton in a Foxtons Mini. If you want to know what it’s like to be loathed, jump in. People glare at you. They cut you up. They curl their lips. I suspect I’d have had a better reception in one of those tiny-todger-compensating supercars. Or a Nazi tank.

Every estate agent may be bottom of the corporate popularity tree but Foxtons is buried deep underground. Mention its name and the stories flood in. A renting friend was forced to move her possessions into a flat while the previous tenants were still there (Foxtons having messed up the handover date). When she came to move out herself, staff interrupted her birthday party — without warning — to show a prospective tenant around. More tamely, its agents are diligent stalkers, bombarding potential buyers with calls, but conveniently “forgetting” the specified budget. So it’s no surprise that someone claiming to be a wronged customer has launched the Twitter account @AvoidFoxtons.

The problem is, Foxtons’ aggressive tactics clearly work. Sales were up 13 per cent last year and another five London branches are set to open soon. So I suspect many of us who bemoan Foxtons now will still call on its services to get the highest price when we’re jammy homeowners ourselves.

just driven through brixton. was overtaken by a police car that i swear was doing about 120mph down the london road into brixton.
Happy Friday Brixton...

They are cunts of the highest order; the only estate agent to operate outside the agreed code of conduct by the industry.

Infamous for knocking on the doors of people with for-sale signs on their house and promise much higher sale price if they ditch their estate agent and go with them. Invariably the properties will remain unsold for months and the seller eventually agrees to lower the asking price to a more realistic one. But by then Foxtons has stolen them from the competition, which was their game plan all along. Their agents all look like complete cunts, and I'm willing to bet this is one instance where you can judge a book by its cover. They drive and park like utter selfish wankstains as well.

Parasitic scum.

I've been Foxtons kidnapped (not the only agents who do this, so their business model is being used by others. Other agents are now opening offices with the 0% commission too).. the agent was OK (in the great scale of Estate Agent cunts there are worse). They told me other agents rip their signs down and it's only when they finish training, they're told where they'll be working.

If I was selling, I'd be pleased to know the agent was trying to drum up (relatively well) targetted business. Buyers are aware of the Foxtons premium but in a tight market there are enough buyers desperate enough to pay it.

According to an agent near me a one bed flat they just sold went for a price 2 years ahead of the market (20% higher than the asking price - thank you sealed bids). They overprice as it will either sell as there is a lack of stock or you can tip the price down to something more 'realistic'. Foxtons sellers with 0% commission are having to make a decision to accept offers or pay the commission ('they have until Friday to accept..').

I can cope with their Sales as an individual (although they're impacting negatively on small agents). Their Lettings dept. is a disgrace.

The social event of the season has happened, I was there, anyway I walked past and here's the evidence. My over whelming impression was that there was a lot of dark grey suits and paper plates...
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