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Who is the Patriotic Socialist Party?

My friend past me this link, im surprised you have taken interest, Mark Brind calls me the Crazy one because he knows im the founder of Patriotic Socialism with my Jewish Bund Comrade Netheniel Ben Yahushua. Their 10 point plan is a rip off of my 11 point plan, their neither left nor right ideals is my words because I do hold both leftist and rightist views. We are anti Fascist, anti Nazi, anti Zionist, anti Capitalist anti Communist Socialists who are closest too Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, some say Gaddafi Jamahiriyah of Free Libya and loosely associated with our allies in Syria not the fake Revolutionary Terrorists.

The PSP are fruads a cheap rip off from the People Social Freedom Movement aka People Social Freedom Party. I knew they had EDL members in them, I knew they had Nationalist, I thought the Nationalists where not of the racist variety though like true Patriotic Socialists are. PSP are allies of Israel and 2 State Solution non sense, PSFM is not in favour of this at all we want justice and heads rolling in Israel at the ICC.

You go on their Facebook page and mention Azzaam Abdul Hakeem they will either try deny me or they will go mad hearing my name.

Sine the Neo Cons and Zionists call us Bolsheviks and Nazi's both at the same time Hail Comrade to all.
In EDL's case, it's a 10 pint plan.
According to their Facebook page, the Pat Socs are standing 10 candidates in the General Election.

This made me laugh.
Patriotic Socialist Party - West Midlands
28 January at 09:57 ·

Simple explanation....this is why PSP is in the MIDDLE......

Pure Communism VS Pure Socialism VS Pure Capitalism
Capitalism, Socialism, Communism. They may not be exactly as you thought. This was for a 12 Grade economics class assignment.
one for yewtree?

There not racists or third positionists, although they do have some very peculiar & socially conservative, 'traditionalist' views !
The Patriotic Socialist Party is in this process of liquidating itself and establishing with other 'groups' (more than likely a few like minded 'eccentric' individual fellow travellers) The British People's Party (I kid you not). According to a previous National Organiser of Class War only 8 people turned up to their National Conference in Birmingham a few months back. Hence his resignation leaving him free to tour America with a notorious 1970's/80's punk band.
After being cautioned and warned by several people and even supporters as to why using the name BPP would not only be unfortunate but a major mistake, especially to a group who wish to distance and repudiate being or associating with any racist reactionary or fascist group, they just replied saying that most people and the British public would not know or have any knowledge who the previous groupings of the BPP were/are ! Thus no association with Fascism or Neo Nazism. This in my opinion is beyond naivety.
British People's Party
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