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Stoke Central - interesting seat. The LP completely fucked themselves there - to say that the person 'voted in to replace him hasn't pleased a fair few traditional Labour voters' is a bit of an understatement!

The selection process for the LP candidate was completely rigged - there is a backstory anyway with a big split between the local CLP and the LP full-timers. Not one local candidate endorsed by the CLP made it to the three person short-list, and they ended up with Mandy's mate Tristum Hunt being parachuted in.

The local CLP were understandably fucked off at this tops-down anti-democratic skullduggery, and the secretary of the CLP is now standing as Independent Labour.

On the plus side, the far right vote is split isn't it? You had a similar situation to above with the BNP, with Darby being parachuted in over the leader of the BNP group on the council Alby Walker, who spat his dummy out, quit the BNP, called them all Nazi's and holocaust deniers and is now standing as an indie.

Aren't the England First Party (BNP split) and the NF also standing? So three or four far right candidates.

Labour should still take it.

Yeah, I know all of that. (The NF aren't standing, though.) The independent labour candidate, Gary Elsby, is a very, very interesting character. I agree the way Labour have gone about selecting Hunt is dodgy as fuck - the other 2 candidates performed incredibly badly at the selection meeting and clearly didn't have a clue. The local favourites, Sarah Hill, Jane Heggie and so on, were swept under the carpet. Hunt is Mandy's pet project, there's no denying that. Elsby, however, is a complete moron. He's in this for one reason, and that's his ego. He's got an axe to grind with the local CLP, he abhors Stoke South and never misses an opportunity to slag them off, and this is all a power play for him to prove to himself and his mates that he's right and everyone else is wrong. When it comes down to it, for all his faults, and for all the shitty goings on re the parachuting, Hunt is the one who is more likely to be able to bring some money into the city, he's the one who'll be able to work with others, and Elsby is the one who would sit on his throne and puff his chest up flicking the vs as he sneers. His election leaflet is hilarious - he's set it up that it's him against Mandy :D

Vintage, any local vibe/impression going round about the current state of the parties in Stoke Central, since the election started?

There was an official hustings a couple of days ago and only 3 candidates turned up (out of 11): TUSC, Tory and Labour. It was all a bit meh, tbh.

I think the Tories know they won't get anywhere, but she wants to get a decent showing so she can do a Hunt and get put in a better seat next time. On the phones, it appears TUSC are getting more support than the BNP, and Labour is being generally well received. No one is mentioning Elsby. This is going by Labour phone canvassing though, and I don't know how they've got their canvassing lists so the selection of people may be biased already (although I don't think they are).

I think Labour will do it, tbh. I stand by my decision to vote for them though - for the reason I stated earlier.
I am voting Labour with even more mixed feelings after listening to Gordon Browns shockingly stupid comments about the woman in Rochdale...He sounded like some of the worst bigots you get on here.
I haven't decided yet. I've only had bumpf from SNP and the Tories and a general thing from the Lib Dems, no idea who they're candidate is though. I suspect we'll only have the 4 choices and I really don't want to vote for any of them tbh.
Why a public poll? :confused:

Actually, might be worth doing one which isn't public, see if results are different!

Of course it'll be different. A load of dickheads will vote BNP because it'd be such a jolly wheeze, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

That's why I made the vote public.
Lib Dem, although not with much hope of unseating the current - Labour - MP.

Same here. My vote was to be tactical to remove nulab, but that would involve voting Tory (which I've considered but would require me voting for the odious Joanne Cash).
I am voting Labour with even more mixed feelings after listening to Gordon Browns shockingly stupid comments about the woman in Rochdale...He sounded like some of the worst bigots you get on here.

And to think the entire party put him in unopposed as some kind of saviour and genius. Do you really trust an entire body of people with such obviously dire judgement?
Same here. My vote was to be tactical to remove nulab, but that would involve voting Tory (which I've considered but would require me voting for the odious Joanne Cash).

i thought you WERE a Tory? Oh no this means you are ....UKIP????
And to think the entire party put him in unopposed as some kind of saviour and genius. Do you really trust an entire body of people with such obviously dire judgement?

To be honest the stupidity and bigotry of his remarks reminded me of you and a fair few others on u75.
I am not really that worried about your bigotry though. But this is a man who is supposed to be prime minister...
I think generally Brown has been quite a good leader for Labour....Unpopular and not a natural tv star but loads better than Blair not to mention the public school twins..
Maybe he was really tired....maybe he was on a come down from prozac.....but he sounded like somebody as narrow minded as you and that is unforgiveable for a Labour leader.
Lib Dem. Tactical Anti Tory vote.
Same. I decided that a hanged Parliament would be much more fun than just ballot spoiling so am hoping to unseat Liddington's 80-odd year legacy (the party, that is, not him himself!)
I decided that a hanged Parliament would be much more fun ......

It certainly would be.


General, nobody. Local I shall vote for horny handed son of the steelworks Philip Sawford in the hope that he might unseat the Elephant Man AKA Philip 'ban the burqa that is never seen in my constituency' Hollobone. The misshapen fuck is on dodgy ground due to boundry changes- Just 178 in it. I want to watch the UKIP endorsed tory fucktard do the walk of shame.

Battle of the Phils. Phil Sawford is a member of socialist unity (a coalition of labour MP's who are against New Lab) and voted against the iraq war, for an investigation into it etc. A good solid old union, old labour man. I can vote fore him in good conscience. And if he wins I can laugh as Mr Potato Head Tory gets kicked to the fucking kerb
If they're in a narrowly Labour held marginal, with the Tories strongly challenging locally and the Lib Dems nowhere, I suspect they just might be voting tactically ....

Just saying. Some people just won't ever vote Tory, and I don't blame them.

I'll vote Labour reluctantly because Lancaster has a smallish Tory majority with Lib Dems a long way off in third place. And I could never vote for the Tories. I've agonised over this and it'll probably make fuck all difference, but still.....

I'll vote Green in the locals because Lancaster has quite a few good Green councillors who've done a great job with things like loads of funding for cycling.
If they're in a narrowly Labour held marginal, with the Tories strongly challenging locally and the Lib Dems nowhere, I suspect they just might be voting tactically ....

Just saying. Some people just won't ever vote Tory, and I don't blame them.

I'd like to think I'm one of them (and thankfully the dilemma you outline isn't going to happen here!), but privacy and civil liberties really are my main concerns these days, and Labour's record on both is abysmal. For purely that reason I want them gone, even if the price of that is a Tory government. It's not as if we've not had a conservative government in most respects since 1997...

No but those are amongst the least of my concerns.

Why? :confused: Surely it's an absolutely fundamental issue?
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