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You have to laugh


A commander of the Ukrainian neo-nazi Azov battalion and his driver were killed when they attempted to destroy a monument to those who had died fighting nazis in the second world war by ramming it with their vehicle.
Instant karma.

Thanks to ddraig
It looks like they picked that crap up from pro-rebel social media, VK and the like. It's supposed to be a vehicle belonging to the fascist volunteer Azov battalion found near the monument after trying to flee fighting in Shirokino (near Mariupol) on February 14th.

This Russian news report has it that an Azov commander and his driver crashed during fighting with rebel militia and that it's symbolic for the crash to have been at a GPW monument. The vehicle is shot up, like the monument. The mention of a commander is because of speculation/pro-rebel propaganda that the deceased man was Azov leader Andriy Biletsky, who was/still is in the area.

Talked to a friend today, not a leftist. Was in Ukraine in a restaurant in the west of the country and another table was ten guys from `either the army or a militia` as he described them. The guys start singing `at first it was funny` he said then a bit later they start raising fascist salutes, my friend and the people he was with left then. `Oh fuck they are nazis` he said. At same time the people he was with have first hand experience of 'the rebels' cleaning out areas in the east, taking houses, all people's possessions, at the point of a gun, `2 hours to leave get out this is my house now.` #fucked
You can caption pics with any old shit and nobody is any the wiser.
Fair comment and what with seventh bullet's in all likelihood much more informed opinion than mine it would seem that they got shot up and then crashed into the monument. Tbh anyone thinking they could topple a monument of that size with a car is clearly insane. Here are a couple more pix courtesy of Twitter:

RT@SputnikInt #Ukraine battalion commander dies after crashing into #WWII memorial http://bit.ly/1FOrknP

Car of Azov commander-crashed into #RedArmy memorial when fleeing "Our grandfathers are still fighting the fascists"

Story here. Did they think they could just come back and carry on as if they'd been away for a holiday? :confused:

Read up on Mikael Skillt, the Swedish sniper with AZOV. He's admitted killing in Ukraine, yet waltzes in and out of Sweden without being arrested.
Pressed on the matter, Carl Bildt the foreign minister (considered the main architect of the EUs Eastern policy) refuses to comment.
Here's his take on the situation as a whole:
In a radio interview with channel SR P1 on March 15, Bildt stated that he considers the Crimean referendum illegal, and "invalid, no matter which way people vote". He continued his refusal to answer questions about Svoboda, saying that he "won't describe what that party is". His overall comment on the new regime in Kiev was that it's a "reasonable and democratic government" and that he does not want to "play along with Russian propaganda"
So much for Swedish neutrality eh?
Fair comment and what with seventh bullet's in all likelihood much more informed opinion than mine it would seem that they got shot up and then crashed into the monument. Tbh anyone thinking they could topple a monument of that size with a car is clearly insane. Here are a couple more pix courtesy of Twitter:

RT@SputnikInt #Ukraine battalion commander dies after crashing into #WWII memorial http://bit.ly/1FOrknP

Car of Azov commander-crashed into #RedArmy memorial when fleeing "Our grandfathers are still fighting the fascists"

The English-language report and the above pics are taken from what I posted up by Putin-friendly LifeNews. Was it a 'commander,' or 'the commander,' though? That keeps getting repeated. There has been talk of Biletsky dying in the crash/gunfire. No confirmation. Probably bollocks.

Brazilian Eurasianists connected to French groupsicle Unite Continentale seen earlier in the thread. There's also this at the blog camouflage linked to earlier today.

From Dugin's own VK.


'Brazilian Eurasianist tank brigade in Novorossiya.'

Although to be more accurate fighters belonging to UC do so as part of the Prizrak battalion.

Anyone got detailed info on Rafael Marques Lusvarghi?


Looks a bit immature going by his YouTube channel. Also, he joined the French Foreign Legion but saw no combat, tried to join FARC but they refused him. A dreamer looking for action?
Anyone got detailed info on Rafael Marques Lusvarghi?

Looks a bit immature going by his YouTube channel. Also, he joined the French Foreign Legion but saw no combat, tried to join FARC but they refused him. A dreamer looking for action?
Some cursory googling shows he also used to be a copper (policia militar) and likes Viking mythology shit, beards, kilts, Otto Skorzeny and Stalin.

What is your ideology?
Left. I would say anarchist, but anarchist is a utopia. Then I would be in Stalinism. I would say if he thought anarchist works, but it is a utopia. So I classify myself as Stalinist. [...] I do not like anything that has to do with the right.

Apart from Unite Continentale obv. He might not like the joos.

Rafael Marques Lusvarghi quenelle.jpg

Rafael Marques Lusvarghi kilt.jpg
Read up on Mikael Skillt, the Swedish sniper with AZOV. He's admitted killing in Ukraine, yet waltzes in and out of Sweden without being arrested.
Pressed on the matter, Carl Bildt the foreign minister (considered the main architect of the EUs Eastern policy) refuses to comment.
Here's his take on the situation as a whole:

So much for Swedish neutrality eh?
BBC bit on Skllt here.
"It's all about how you see it," he says. "I would be an idiot if I said I did not want to see survival of white people. After World War Two, the victors wrote their history. They decided that it's always a bad thing to say I am white and I am proud."

'One stray liberal'
Mr Skillt believes races should not mix. He says the Jews are not white and should not mix with white people. His next project is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to "international Zionism".

Mikael Skillt in Ukraine
Not all of Mr Skillt's views are widely shared in the Azov Battalion, which is about 300-strong in total.

He says his comrades do not discuss politics much, though some of them may be "national socialists" and may wear swastikas. On the other hand, "there is even one liberal, though I don't know how he got there", he adds, with a smile in his voice.

The Neo-Nazis on the Russian side aren't gong to like the lad in the middle, are they?

The Neo-Nazis on the Russian side aren't gong to like the lad in the middle, are they?

Can you tell us more about these Russian neo-nazis? I'm assuming you're talking about anti-Maidan Russian fighters with nazi or far-right sympathies. Not seen anything concrete in that direction since I started following events in Ukraine, but it's been implied on this thread a few times.
The Neo-Nazis on the Russian side aren't gong to like the lad in the middle, are they?
That's Victor-Alfonso Lenta, one of the French Unite Continentale loons mentioned earlier in the thread.

El Pais article on the arrests of the 8 in Spain.
They were paid neither travel expenses nor a salary, but they were received with open arms by the Russian commanders in charge on the Ukraine eastern front. As well as their AK-74 rifles – the most modern Kalashnikov model – they received uniforms, food and free lodging. They left behind their comfortable Madrid apartments to live in collective barracks where, they say, there are still more Spanish “brigade members” and “several hundred” from other countries, above all Serbia and France.

“Half of them are communists and the other half are Nazis,” they explained. “We fought together, communists and Nazis alike […]. We all want the same: social justice and the liberation of Russia from the Ukrainian invasion.”

The Neo-Nazis on the Russian side aren't gong to like the lad in the middle, are they?

Maybe not, the likes of RNE (their Russian Orthodox Army is currently there). He and his groupsicle are followers of Dugin, so the proper Eurasianists will be alright with him. They look down on the narrow nationalism and in their view mistaken 'biological' racism of the gutter Nazis. And for them, they tend to be distasteful, uneducated lower class types.

Within Russia and the FSU, Dugin's lot is more an elitist intellectual movement seeking to influence the current ruling class than overthrow them (but looking to do that elsewhere), and the lower classes can do the fighting mostly for the aims of changed foreign policy going in a direction they want. People from the Caucasus have gone to fight for Novorossiya too, and that Givi prick, the leader of the Somalia battalion in the city of Donetsk is, I think (could be wrong), originally from Abkhazia.

The likes of the Nazis can be allies to the weird neo-Stalinist/nationalist types and the Eurasianists as they can and do mobilise on nationalist issues (and to Eurasianists this is for wider geopolitical aims) but ultimately to those highest up in the movement they're backward rabble, stuck in an outmoded fascism. They try to build up influence with national minorities in Russia and Central Asians (or their intellectual elites). Turko-Muslim people are very important. To Dugin at least, the hierarchy of Nazism is attractive but their specific form of racism is rejected. That isn't to forget anti-Semitism, though, which seems to be alive and well in these groups.

Their aims are a bit different politically, and the racism and fascism of the Eurasianists reaches its fullest expression in the future utopia of federated ethnic empires. His descendants will be happily living elsewhere, as pieces in an ethno-cultural mosaic of hierarchically ordered but supposedly harmonious communities spanning whole continents (but no harmful mixing with incompatible people from other parts of the world of course, except for the elites, as that jeopardizes the order of things).

I could be talking absolute shit, so happy to be corrected.
Someone referred to Dugin as a fascists recently. Personally I think that's a bonkers idea. Are we talking about proper nazi's/fascist fighters on the Anti-Maidan side... or anything that involves sinister looking eight-pointed symbols that we now know to associate with scary Rasputin-looking-like Russiards?



Alexander Dugin the other day, together with his buddy Adolf Putin, who knows what they are planning for us.

lol at the concept of a Brazilian Eurasianist by the way... I guess Eurasianism as a concept can appeal to some people beyond whether or not they happen to live somewhere in Eurasia. Peace-and-trade-and-'Something-vague-that-isn't-Liberalism' from Lisbon-to-Vladivostock on one side of the planet, and from Cape Horn to Alaska on the other (wouldn't that be some sort of 'Americasism' anyway?)

Couldn't really say what 'Something-vague-that-isn't-Liberalism' is really (might quickly learn Russian thisafternoon as I'm not doing anything later) but pretty sure whatever it is, it's not the same as yer standard Hakkenkreuzer such as we've come to be familiar with in all these pictures of odd-balls throwing sloppy nazi salutes and waving SS banners around among grim east-European backdrops featuring shelled housing and muddy cratered roads.

I'm generally curious how Novorrossian fighters get along with any nazi colleagues, specially at the front or after another long hard day among civs being shelled by the Kiev regimes nazi formations.
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Apologies if already posted and I'm sure there are defences that will be rolled out such as that this is some kind of anti-Putin smear but the clips are still definitely worth a brief look.

The second of those is genuinely mental (LOL at Merkzilla threatening whole cities with her clenched fist) but the first is bogstandard imperial nostalgia. I was reminded of some UKIPper propping up the golf club bar and holding forth on how the land reform crisis in Rumbabwe proves the locals aren't fit to run the show.

The second is too mad to be effective propaganda (surely?) but the first one, on the other hand. . .

Minesh a treble, btw.

Apologies if already posted and I'm sure there are defences that will be rolled out such as that this is some kind of anti-Putin smear but the clips are still definitely worth a brief look.

From thon:

"Really good propaganda is like a fever dream: delirious, paranoid, and marked by leaps of logic that at first blush might withstand scrutiny."

It's the other way around, surely? Really good propaganda doesn't have the look or feel of propaganda, so it can work its "magic" more insidiously.
Is there any data available on the number of foreign fighters on either side that have gone off to fight from the UK? Is anyone tracking this at all? Because a lot (most?) on both sides will be ideological fash and the thought occured to me how the modern jihadi movement was helped so much by having huge numbers of jihadis going off to fight in afghanistan/bosnia.
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