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The BBC News was claiming that Russian skinheads were marking Muslim homes with black marks, then ominously switched to a picture of a Russian helicopter. No evidence produced other than a single black mark against a single house. That reporting followed an interview with an elderly Tatar Muslim recalling the Tatars' expulsion from Crimea.

In the West of the country of course they managed to film neo-Nazi flags for week upon week without commenting on the political affiliation of the people flying them.

Honestly the BBC resembles a mirror image of RT on this stuff more and more.

John Simpson's report from the Crimean border was atrocious, most biased reporting I've seen for a long time.
exactly, it was an ultimatum and not an invitation . Yanukovich simply couldnt go the EU route, Ukraine would be completely ruined and him with it . Russia was repeatedly calling for tripartite talks on the issue, Ukraine, EU and Russia sitting down together to figure out a compromise . EU was having none of it , their way or else .
Yep. Saw a Russian expert being interviewed a few days ago that said the same thing (can't remember his name but he's been interviewed a lot before about Russia). Hard to find any pure white hats or black hats in this situation.
Yep. Saw a Russian expert being interviewed a few days ago that said the same thing (can't remember his name but he's been interviewed a lot before about Russia). Hard to find any pure white hats or black hats in this situation.
couldn't have put it better myself; it's never black n white when one country invades another. Imagine if US troops just wandered outside Gitmo into unleased Cuba: no reasonable person would deem that an invasion, just foraging for food or someit, surely? Or Mer-hi-karno troop carriers on their way to find those elusive war memorials in The Olde Country.

As you say, "Hard to find any pure white hats or black hats" - it's just that even journos seem to find it irresistible to wear a hard hat. God knows why.
couldn't have put it better myself; it's never black n white when one country invades another. Imagine if US troops just wandered outside Gitmo into unleased Cuba: no reasonable person would deem that an invasion

No, imagine the Irish Republic invading Northern Ireland because the protestants were burning Catholics out of their homes, assisted by British security forces. Or the Serbians invading Kosovo to help out the isolated Serbs who are policed a by terrorist police force helped and installed by NATO, and KFOR. Unthinkable. The Irish and Serbs would clearly be breaching every convention known to man, beast, selective leftie, alien life-forms, and that bird who used to do the numbers on Countdown - the one with the big arse.
No, imagine the Irish Republic invading Northern Ireland because the protestants were burning Catholics out of their homes, assisted by British security forces. Or the Serbians invading Kosovo to help out the isolated Serbs who are policed a by terrorist police force helped and installed by NATO, and KFOR. Unthinkable. The Irish and Serbs would clearly be breaching every convention known to man, beast, selective leftie, alien life-forms, and that bird who used to do the numbers on Countdown - the one with the big arse.

Why are you so useless?
Strategy, history and logistics were staples of the British army's "Junior Leader" programme for more than 2 decades, Johnny. Just ask Mr.Bishie , who IIRC did the same programme about 10 years after I did. :)

It must frost your cookies that the people who send you to war and decide when where and against who, are Parliamentarians who for the most part, are civilians who haven't been through the Junior Leader program. :(
well, we've had Vlad, now we have Volod. He's been linked to & commented on quite a few times, & now you can ask him in person if you have time in London next Monday:


P.S. Volod said in a thread on Wednesday that the Education Minister, Kvit, ex-Trident, is not a Nazi, as claimed by Borotba about a week ago. (They work at the same Kyiv uni, one a lecturer, the other the Prez.)

ADDED: possible attendees are Anton Shekhovtsov (he's at UCL according to the DN debate yesterday linked by Eastern-Odyssey) & Georgeous.
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Interfax from almost 24hrs ago on Right Sektor, which says a bit more than that Yarosh is running for Prez:

- having conference next Saturday, 15Mar

- conf. will agree on a new name

- their current strategy has the feel of Stalinist stageism: "our struggle is entering a peaceful, political phase. This is the reason why we are going into politics" (Andriy Tarasenko, chair of Kyiv branch)

- but it's all in a context of the need for revolution: "The state machine is stalling. It is unacceptable for us. We will not stop at this because, as far as we are concerned, a revolution is not a change of surnames on the office nameplates, but a full re-set of the authorities, a complete change of the system in this country - a change of both the governance structure and people" (Mr T)

And don't say 'peeps'.

you should join a literary fascist group in UA - I'm sure they need lots of volunteers to police the usage of the New Super-Duper Turbo-Charged 110% Nationalist Ukrainian language, gutted of all those foreign words, most of all Russian & Polish.

you should join a literary fascist group in UA - I'm sure they need lots of volunteers to police the usage of the New Super-Duper Turbo-Charged 110% Nationalist Ukrainian language, gutted of all those foreign words, most of all Russian & Polish.

You're just showing yourself up now. It's not big, it's not hard and it's not clever.
that tit is very close to ignore

anyways, BBC editorial line seems to be taking a subtle shift from this morning on . The Russian military invasion force they were talking about all week seems now to have morphed into Pro Russian troops, a very different thing altogether . This new phrase is now being emphasised in all their studio reports and on the teletext service .

Just watched their report on that incident with the truck last night. BBC reporter standing in front of a very flimsy looking metal gate. Claiming initially Russian troops tried to ram a truck through it and annnouncing you can see dents and scratches on it while pointing at it. Well I couldnt see them , the gate looked in normal order with no obvious damage, neatly still on its hinges . And then I realised he was doing his report from inside the base, and not outside. So he couldnt see any either. The truck would have been outside, not ramming from the inside.
Nor was there any explanation as to how a Russian military Tiger Truck, which is fuck off massive and can traverse ruined siberian roads and plough through rivers, failed to get through this little metal gate that he claims they attempted to ram through. But inexplicably failed.


And as regards the tense stand off he was on about, he then revealed in his report the Ukrainian troops in the base dont actually have any guns, because the pro Russian troops...remembered the new line this time.. took them off them during the week and put them in a storage depot in Sevastopol. So its hard to see how there was actually a tense stand off between armed troops and unarmed troops, particularly after one side had already meekly handed their weapons over to the others during the week without a shot fired.


Beside the little gate the base is surrounded by a perimeter wall which is approximately 3 feet high. The marauding Russkis intent on seizing the base could literally step over it. Or even trip over it. You could literally trip over that wall, its a health and safety nightmare
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Also, for those whove been rubbishing RT heres an excellent piece by RT journalist Alexey Yaroshevsky, who was himself almost killed by a police sniper and saw 5 unarmed protestors shot down right in front of him, he was by far the closest journalist present . He was doing some excellent unbiased reporting from the front lines of the maidan throughout As regards balance and sincerity its infintely superior to anything youll find in the western media , Graun etc.

It must frost your cookies that the people who send you to war and decide when where and against who, are Parliamentarians who for the most part, are civilians who haven't been through the Junior Leader program. :(

Nope, not at all.
Thing is, some of those civilians happen to be learned people.

Interesting that you attempt to insinuate that I look down on people who haven't had the same experiences I have. I don't. The only person I look down on is you. :)
Also, for those whove been rubbishing RT heres an excellent piece by RT journalist Alexey Yaroshevsky, who was himself almost killed by a police sniper and saw 5 unarmed protestors shot down right in front of him, he was by far the closest journalist present . He was doing some excellent unbiased reporting from the front lines of the maidan throughout As regards balance and sincerity its infintely superior to anything youll find in the western media , Graun etc.

I thought there weren't any police snipers?
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Oceania has always been at war with eastasia.

some wag placed a notice on the door of 4 (Mech) Bde's HQ last week - 'wanted: 800 MLRS rockets - any price paid, will collect'. its still there... :hmm:

a mate in Brussels thinks that Romania, Slovakia and Hungary are going to request a Chapter 4 meeting of NATO Ambassadors next week, Poland and the Baltic states had one this week.
This is a piece of commentary relating to the Winter Olympics at Sochi:

The vacuum is Western public knowledge of Russia and its people: the ‘West’ has lost control of the Lenin-to-Stalin message it was long able to tell its citizens, but Russia has been unable to replace it with a similarly lasting statement.

Sochi 2014 has given President Putin the opportunity he needed to change Russia’s PR game completely. Its opening ceremony was, in PR terms, commendably sophisticated. Where previously the ‘West’ was able to brand Russia as it wanted, the Sochi 2014 Opening Ceremony is, so far as I can make out, the first chance Russia has had to present its own message and USP worldwide, on its own terms

‘The West’ does not appear to realise it can no longer write the world’s script. Certainly IMF chief Christine Lagarde failed to recognise this in her televised Dimbleby Lecture on 3 February 2014, where she gave her perspective on the major challenges facing the global economy. That ‘the West’ cannot write a script which does not talk down to others is worrisome; that it does not understand that others – e.g. President Putin – are writing scripts of their own


relevant because it reflects my experience of the news coverage. Initially it seemed to be complete western spin, but it wasn't as complete as it has been in the past - there were different narratives, and over time these have created confusion for the news networks as how to present their story. Interesting.
I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but you'd need a dick for that.

2 bitter old snipers with vinegar bullets now

perhaps you could even call me a piss scented cur again, or something classy along those lines. I love grown up informed debate with intellectual types, I does
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