No Portsmouth....
Sorry for the delay in replying, been busy with this complaint.
So far I have informed my local MP and have emailed the Professional Standards Department, I'm about to send them a hard copy of my complaint also.
The form the use was a C12 A?? And they use codes for what type of search, mine was search code 'J' which translates into 'Terrorism s.44(2)'
I took some quick legal advice from a local firm I use and they simply said to make a formal complaint to the front desk at the station, that proved to be as much use as indicators on a submarine.
I will look into using Bindmans in London as they do this on a daily basis, unless anyone else can suggest a decent law firm who deal with these specific matters?
I'm a computer mong so can't upload the two photo's that lead to me being a terrorist, but I do have 15 seconds of video footage, just before they slap the bracelets on!