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Self-indulgent pet thread


Sunday roast? Don't mind if I do...
We were concerned as to how Bob would feel about the situation as hes our boy & topcat & almost 16. But he seems to be totally cool, in a way only cats can be & Mitzi has got over her initial confusion. Tango is very laid back & seems to be enjoying his new life as he has sat on both our laps which he never did before.
That's brilliant. Our Stan is surprisingly laid back about other cats, too - we keep thinking about getting another, but remember our previous two who were never seen in a room together, and hissed if they passed on the stairs.
That's brilliant. Our Stan is surprisingly laid back about other cats, too - we keep thinking about getting another, but remember our previous two who were never seen in a room together, and hissed if they passed on the stairs.

My ex had two cats then got a kitten. They got on ok, although the kitten took to lying on the sofa arm and when either of the other cats walked past he stretched down a bit and gave them a wallop across the head.
Went to the Cat Cafe in Edinburgh today. Brilliant! Obviously all the cats there have been brought up together and/or introduced carefully so seem quite relaxed, happy and content together. I know it doesn't always work that way in other situations (hence why we have Breeze!)




It's probably a good thing Breeze loathes other cats, or I'd have a houseful. They have one Maine Coon, the young grey one. She's a polydactyl - I thought Breeze had fat hands!
It's probably a good thing Breeze loathes other cats, or I'd have a houseful. They have one Maine Coon, the young grey one. She's a polydactyl - I thought Breeze had fat hands!
I love Hemmingway cats. I might have mentioned that a few hundred times. Since Meg passed, my closest to a poly is Stone who is Maine Coon-esque with thumbs so is one of those cats you'd be worried about if you thought about it too much. Opposable thumbs and vocals. Hmmm.
I know this is a bit Daily Mail but I've bought one of these from Lakeland


And it's bloody great at stairs and I have a few blankets, mostly fleecy ones which protect certain areas from cat hairing. They get washed regularly but there's always great swathes of hair still embedded in them. This doesn't get rid of all of them but does better than I do with a lint roller and a dampened Marigold. I even used it a bit round the brush bits on the magic catflap and it freed a few furry bits I couldn't get to.
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