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Russell Brand on Revolution

What are your criticisms of him?

To work out what you're waffling on about,
Well I'd have to read the book to know really.

But I feel like he is reporting on what other people are saying, thinking and doing. With no real background. So he might get it wrong. I'd rather hear directly from those people.

I basically don't trust Brand to give an accurate and representative picture. And if the book is some kind of call to arms, well I don't really trust him to do that either.
I don't like the fact that he's into transendental meditation either.

That's probably just a personal prejudice but I don't trust people who are too "we have to change our minds before we can change the world."
Aside from who is specifically involved, are we seeing the roots, at least, of change? Or is this just the 24 hour media society capturing a few malcontents of the sort that have always existed?

Is this the end of the capitalist system...or perhaps the beginning of the end? Or will power just reassert itself and screw us over anew?

If it's the latter then perhaps we are past what might be termed (by me because I think it sounds cool) 'peak toil'.
It's def the end of the capitalist system. It has nowhere else to go after this.

Stop being obsessed by other people being obsessed by brand and go play your reality game. That shooty one.
as an aside, the music scene has also been absent - there should have been a musical revolution documenting what was happening - there wasnt. Why dont people feel inspired anymore??? They are certainly angry - the whole thing is exacerbating. Are people (and when i say 'people' i mean the general public- you me, and average working people of society, paying tax and getting the tube to work every day) just lazy?

I know i havent articulated myself very well here - but i am honestly wondering about this....if anyone has any thoughts, i'd like to hear it...

is there even really still a music scene? Do people still identify with music and form cultural sub-groups from it? is there a modern day equivalent of mods or punks? i'm not sure.
There was some old twitter evidence that some Easeman stuff might feature in the book, but having just used the amazon 'look inside' facility it seems he didn't make the final cut.

Usama Hasan, Tariq Ramadan, Dave Boyle and Laurence Easeman for your unused but greatly appreciated contributions - it was only deadlines that stymied us.

I watched a few of Brands youtube videos to get a vague handle on how he deals with the conspiracy theory stuff. Appears to mostly adhere to something I recommended myself not long ago, looking at how governments etc make use of events, rather than getting lost in the dark by claiming to have special evidence that same governments were actually behind the events.
is there even really still a music scene? Do people still identify with music and form cultural sub-groups from it? is there a modern day equivalent of mods or punks? i'm not sure.

The Libertines. But they only did two albums (last one was 2004), and the next one, well one can pray...
He was pretty funny on Ross, whilst still managing to blurt out the basic message of the book - bursting in on Big Sams interview post west ham - City at Upton Park / Motd was jolly as well .
Seriously? He could have made 10 times the money he makes on that book by staying in hollywood for the time it took to write and edit it.
Really? That's very precise.
I'm assuming that Brand, his companies and those involved in the marketing and sale of the book will be very happy with the opportunity to sell the book on prime-time tv.
Really? That's very precise.
I'm assuming that Brand, his companies and those involved in the marketing and sale of the book will be very happy with the opportunity to sell the book on prime-time tv.
Saying 10 times as much is not precise, it's a commonly accepted term for 'much more'.

He'd make 10 times as much making shit films. He'd make 10 times as much with a tell-all gossip book about hollywood.
Saying 10 times as much is not precise, it's a commonly accepted term for 'much more'.

He'd make 10 times as much making shit films. He'd make 10 times as much with a tell-all gossip book about hollywood.
He's written other books, hasn't he?
I never enjoyed watching Brand, he is just too full of himself and now his YouTube videos are still the same, look at smug me, I think I am clever..
I never enjoyed watching Brand, he is just too full of himself and now his YouTube videos are still the same, look at smug me, I think I am clever..
they get hundreds of thousands of views, so if what he's saying in them is at least better than what people would otherwise read/watch then it's a step up.
Loads of odd things on YT get hundreds of thousands of views.
yeah but he gets them regularly. And if even a quarter of what he says has some sense behind it that's a big audience of predominantly young, probably not 'traditionally' politicised people. is it not a good thing that he encourages them to question things? He's getting one hundred times the views that the TUC is getting.
This is a bit off topic but read this the other day http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/15/opinion/stop-coddling-the-super-rich.html

Cos know I've argued with Dotty in the past about tax rates and the rich fucking off if they were raised, and it seems like he was right dammit cos here IS one of the richest men in the world saying it's bullshit they'd just pay. Warren (first name terms) says that the mega rich would be happy to pay higher tax if the government raised taxes but that there isn't the political will to do it, that they're coddled instead. Is that bullshit? That they'd pay?

"They" are not a homogenous group who will all act with identical motivations. It also depends on how money the government is trying to get out of them. The recent French experiment with a 75% marginal rate had most staying and some leaving.
a lesson, if any were needed, in why you should stay the fuck away from 9-11 conspiracies and the nutcases who espouse them.

Yep; 'on a plate' to the scum press...

New Yorkers have reacted furiously to Russell Brand's admission that he is 'open-minded' about whether the United States was behind the 9/11 attacks.


Charlie Sheen

Fellow hellraiser Charlie Sheen argues that hijackers could never have carried out the 9/11 attacks.

He said: 'It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 per cent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions.'

David Icke

Icke believes that the world is being run by a race of child-sacrificing, shape-shifting, reptilian aliens — and thousands of people seem to believe him.

He was forced to flee the spotlight 20 years ago — after he declared on a BBC chat show that he was the son of God.

The TV star from the 1980s, and his followers that the Babylonian Brotherhood runs the world and the Queen and George W Bush are among the race of reptiles and this elite group organised terror attacks like 9/11 and the Oklahoma bombing.

Job done.
In terms of getting the revolution going, yes. I think Britain needs an actual person (or group of people) to get it properly started too. People by themselves have done so little - I am probably saying it badly, but the public did not get out on the streets protesting against the bankers who fucked up the world economy - nobody went to jail - and people did not storm parliament and overthrow the government - that is the level of revolution that needs to happen.

as an aside, the music scene has also been absent - there should have been a musical revolution documenting what was happening - there wasnt. Why dont people feel inspired anymore??? They are certainly angry - the whole thing is exacerbating. Are people (and when i say 'people' i mean the general public- you me, and average working people of society, paying tax and getting the tube to work every day) just lazy?

I know i havent articulated myself very well here - but i am honestly wondering about this....if anyone has any thoughts, i'd like to hear it...
Speak for yourself. Have you ever heard of the "Great Man Theory'? Brand is not a revolutionary philosopher.

You're wrong about people not protesting against the bankers. What do you think Occupy is/was all about? Then there were the riots of 2011 and the show trials that followed them. Do you really think Brand is going to lead the 21st century equivalent of the Storming of the Bastille? I can't see it. Besides, revolution doesn't have to be violent.

As for "musical revolution" what do you mean? That sounds rather glib. There have been musicians performing politically engaged material. Sleaford Mods? NxtGen?
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