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Russell Brand Crap/Not Crap

Russell Brand Crap/not Crap

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Cheesypoof said:
he's not my kind of guy at all.

too cheeky, not good lookin, and no soul whatsoever. a social slut, no depth, fickle. i dont think i would sleep with him - deadly serious

and before anyone starts on about pete doherty - dont
:D you tell em.....
i fucking will halyz!!

it takes a LOT more than a dude like Russel Brand to impress me - he aint special at all and i dont think hed be good in bed either :D
g force said:
TV: Fucking awful troll

Stand up: Bloody hilarious

I don't care how good his stand up is, he's so shit on TV that he could be Bill fucking Bailey and I'd still smack his smug face in with a crowbar if I met him.

Ahem. Got a bit carried away there...
no offense cheesey i dont want to have a big row with you and i dont HATE yr pete,looking forward to reading his diaries in fact when they are published :D

..but i want to express my opinion..so sit down for this baby... IMHO one of the things you criticise russell brand(being a social slut) for,pete d. has done as well..getting a crap celeb gf :rolleyes:
i would think if pete had REAL depth he would have a writer /artist gf..plenty of sexy creative woman around..

you may respect kate moss and think she has loads of depth but most people see her as a silly celeb, no different to a russell's BB contestant gf's except..skinnier
if you can prove me wrong about kate moss...go for it..im listening
MullahNasrudin said:
Explain to me why a fucknut like Justin Lee Collins has a career then!

Because he has some very revealing footage of some telly execs snorting coke off each others knob-ends, I'd presume.

Can't think of any other reason anyone would give the comedy-free highlight-haired son of Dave Lee Travis a job.
you may respect kate moss and think she has loads of depth but most people see her as a silly celeb, no different to a russell's BB contestant gf's except..skinnier if you can prove me wrong about kate moss...go for it..im listening

I can't prove you wrong, but I've got a bit of respect for Kate in some ways. She's managed to pack about 100 times as much into her life as the rest of the flock - she's probably got a few stories to tell, and she's like... up for it. She's a goer etc.

Mind you, shocking taste in blokes, especially that recent Edward-Scissor-handsy looking one.
I'm torn.

His over-exposure at the moment is clearly clouding my judgement and I do at times tire of his constant craziness and find it night after night a tad ott.

However, he is witty and seems to be rather clever too. So, if it were not for this BB malarky I might have more time for him.
exosculate said:
You feel you could present that show?

It's quite a skill.

You can't do it so you can't criticise is a shit argument though.

I couldn't play football for England but that doesn't mean I can't criticise Emile Heskey.
MullahNasrudin said:
Explain to me why a fucknut like Justin Lee Collins has a career then!
Must be my SOH, I find the man hilarious. And Russell Brand is growing on me too. Not comic geniuses as such, something to do with the delivery more than the content maybe.
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
You can't do it so you can't criticise is a shit argument though.

I couldn't play football for England but that doesn't mean I can't criticise Emile Heskey.

Of course you can criticise, its writing people off thats ridiculous, anyone who gets to play for England cant be totally written off as a football player even if you personally don't like the way they play.

Having done a bit of studio work myself (background stuff) I appreciate the skill involved more than most perhaps.
exosculate said:
Of course you can criticise, its writing people off thats ridiculous, anyone who gets to play for England cant be totally written off as a football player even if you personally don't like the way they play.

What's an acceptable level of criticism then? As far as I see it your argument still boils down to 'you couldn't do it so you should shut up.' You have to be judged by the standard you're at, even by people who can't even get near that.

So to stretch the analogy, I wouldn't write Heskey off as a footballer, I'd be pleased if he came to Lincoln to say the least. As an international he's a joke though.
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
What's an acceptable level of criticism then? As far as I see it your argument still boils down to 'you couldn't do it so you should shut up.' You have to be judged by the standard you're at, even by people who can't even get near that.

So to stretch the analogy, I wouldn't write Heskey off as a footballer, I'd be pleased if he came to Lincoln to say the least. As an international he's a joke though.

It boils down to the reality that Brand clearly has talent and people resent him because of it. Like people do often with people who have talent. Especially British people. People have not been making reasoned criticism on here - that is clear to anyone reading the thread.
exosculate said:
It boils down to the reality that Brand clearly has talent and people resent him because of it. Like people do often with people who have talent. Especially British people. People have not been making reasoned criticism on here - that is clear to anyone reading the thread.

Hmmm, maybe. In my opinion to ask for 'reasoned criticism' of a comedian/TV presenter is a waste of time. Nobody is going to produce any form of technical analysis, and I can't really see any reason why they should. If you find a comedian not funny then why do you need a reason for that?

As far as Russell Brand goes, my instant reaction to him is that he's extremely irritating. I have no idea whether he has any talent or not, and I don't really care, I'm certainly not going to listen to him long enough to find out. That's reason enough for me to vote 'shit' and dismiss him IMO. He's only a TV person anyway, what does it matter?
kool for cats

Don't watch him for a year and then go around a friend's house and watch him and you'll think he is brilliant - like me.
exosculate said:
It boils down to the reality that Brand clearly has talent and people resent him because of it. Like people do often with people who have talent. Especially British people. People have not been making reasoned criticism on here - that is clear to anyone reading the thread.

true, though the clique of urban75ers are prone to do it.
Ricky Gervais rates Brand and I can see a few similarities -- listen to their respective podcasts and you'll see what I mean. He went up in my estimation after this debacle:

Comedian's stand against 'abuse' of disabled star by nightclub forces BBC to pull podcast

The BBC has pulled its weekly podcast of a popular radio programme because its presenter, the comedian Russell Brand, refused to allow the corporation to edit out contentious material.

Officials admitted they had been unable to distribute podcast copies of Brand's Sunday morning show because he objected to the omission of a controversial section in which Ade Adepitan, the wheelchair-using basketball player and CBBC presenter, claimed he was abused by doormen at a London nightclub.

I think it likely that Russell Brand is a good comedian (although I have seen him doing standup, and was not impressed). However, I don't think his style is right for what is supposed to be a forum to allow the public to comment on Big Brother. In fact, I don't think they should have a comedian fronting that show at all. Nor someone who is obsessed with themselves, as he appears to be.
muser said:
true, though the clique of urban75ers are prone to do it.

Er, that would be a lazy way to see it. What about those who have talent?

The appreciation of comedy, like many things, is subjective.
exosculate said:
You feel you could present that show?

It's quite a skill.

Ah, but we aren't talking about presenting a show, necessarily; but whether or not one thinks Russell Brand is crap or not.

For the record, I have no desire to present some crap telly programme. How about you?
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
Hmmm, maybe. In my opinion to ask for 'reasoned criticism' of a comedian/TV presenter is a waste of time. Nobody is going to produce any form of technical analysis, and I can't really see any reason why they should. If you find a comedian not funny then why do you need a reason for that?

As far as Russell Brand goes, my instant reaction to him is that he's extremely irritating. I have no idea whether he has any talent or not, and I don't really care, I'm certainly not going to listen to him long enough to find out. That's reason enough for me to vote 'shit' and dismiss him IMO. He's only a TV person anyway, what does it matter?

See thats much better


He is crap


He is crap because he irritates me.

More flesh on the bone is much better
nino_savatte said:
Ah, but we aren't talking about presenting a show, necessarily; but whether or not one thinks Russell Brand is crap or not.

For the record, I have no desire to present some crap telly programme. How about you?

OK nino you're a clever chap/chappess (not sure but I think female but I digress). Please could you elucidate the reasons why you think he is crap?
exosculate said:
OK nino you're a clever chap/chappess (not sure but I think female but I digress). Please could you elucidate the reasons why you think he is crap?


Look at him, the trousers, the smugness, the po-mo 'dress sense'! His entire act is based around being a dick ffs.
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